• Everybody Needs to Be Rescued
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Matthew 1:4

    Find out why a repentant prostitute is better off before God than an unrepentant churchgoer. It’s a look at the life of Rahab. Read More

  • Treasure in Heaven
    Topics: Money & Giving   Scripture: Matthew 6:20

    Listen to a bestselling author who chooses to make minimum wage. He’ll help you think about some ways you can invest in eternity. Read More

  • Seek His Face
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 5:6

    The Lord wants us to come to Him to tell Him what we need, but more importantly, we need to go to God to be near Him. Read More

Chapter 1

  • When Your Story Takes Twists and Turns
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 1:1-16

    Nancy will help you anticipate life's ups and downs by keeping your eyes on the author and finisher of our faith. Read More

  • Give God Time
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 1:20

    Wait on the Lord. Trust Him. He will accomplish His purposes in His time and in His way. Read More

  • Mary Is a Trusting Woman
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Matthew 1:18-21

    Nancy says a wife can encourage her husband to be a spiritual leader even if the wife appears to be more qualified for that role. Read More

  • Jesus’ Name
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 1:21

    Jesus came to offer salvation to those of us who need a Savior—that’s all of us. Read More

  • Everybody Needs to Be Rescued
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Matthew 1:4

    Find out why a repentant prostitute is better off before God than an unrepentant churchgoer. It’s a look at the life of Rahab. Read More

Chapter 2

  • Who Were the Magi?
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

    Nancy will explain about Epiphany and the visit of the wise men to Baby Jesus. And she’ll share what that has to do with you and me. Read More

  • The Star
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

    As mysterious as the wise men, they knew He was born because God showed them a very special light. A star. Read More

  • The Sorrow
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Matthew 2:1-23

    The story of the wise men coming to visit Jesus has a murderous, heart-wrenching ending. Well, it’s almost the end. Hear why we can have hope. Read More

Chapter 3

  • The Heavens Declare: The Baptism of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 3:1-17

    Jesus was perfect and didn't need to show any repentance. So why did He need to be baptized? Nancy will explore the baptism of Jesus and show its importance. Read More

  • Quick Repentance
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 3:8

    If God is calling you to turn away from sin, the time to respond is now. Read More

Chapter 4

  • How to Fight Fear
    Kimberly Wagner   Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Matthew 4:10

    Worship of God drives a stake in the ground and proclaims, “This is where my allegiance lies; I will bow to no other!” Will you arm yourself with praise? Read More

  • Prepared in the Desert
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 4:1

    Do you want a successful life and ministry? Then expect God to give you some desert experiences. Read More

  • Led by the Spirit
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 4:1

    Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones was an impossible situation—humanly speaking. But it wasn’t impossible for God. Read More

  • Shared Victory: The Temptation of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, The Enemy   Scripture: Matthew 4:1-13

    You’re alone in a barren wilderness surrounded by wild animals. You haven’t eaten in forty days. Do you think you’d be vulnerable to temptation? Read More

  • How to Approach God's Word
    Laura Gonzalez de Chavez   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Matthew 4:4

    The truths of the Bible must not only impact your mind but also your affections and your will. Read More

  • An All-In Commitment
    Erin Davis   Topics: Missional Living, Womanhood   Scripture: Matthew 4:1-2

    Fitness experts have long celebrated the value of a forty-day regimen to realign our habits. Read More

Chapter 5

  • Share What Jesus Is Doing in Your Life
    Topics: Missional Living, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16

    Every follower of Jesus feels pressure to become better at witnessing. Nancy shares practical ways to explain the gospel to others. Read More

  • A Greater End
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Matthew 5:16

    Our homes provide a needed and powerful setting for serving others and advancing the work of His kingdom. Read More

  • Blessed Are the Beggars
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 5:3

    Blessed are the beggars— those who recognize they have no chance of survival apart from God’s intervening mercy and grace. Read More

  • Loved to the End
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 5:46

    Genuine love is totally giving myself to meet the needs of another person without expecting anything in return. Read More

  • When We Won’t Forgive
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Matthew 5:7

    When we refuse to forgive, something is blocked in our relationship with the Father. Read More

  • What’s Your Stand?
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 5:14

    Consider this: God has strategically positioned you on this very stand—with your particular past, experiences, and position—because He wants you to shine. Read More

  • Is Meek for the Weak?
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 5:5

    The Bible teaches that meekness contains great power. Meekness would be weakness if it meant yielding to sin. Read More

  • Go Kiss Him
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Matthew 5:44-45

    Ernie Cassutto received a surprising invitation from a man who had run a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. Read More

  • The Testimony of Thankfulness
    Alejandra Slemin   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: Matthew 5:16

    When you’re tempted to complain or be in a bad mood, look up and praise God for the mighty works He has done. Read More

  • Seek His Face
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 5:6

    The Lord wants us to come to Him to tell Him what we need, but more importantly, we need to go to God to be near Him. Read More

  • A Whole Different Prayer
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 5:44

    We are called upon to pray for mercy for our enemies, for them to be made right with God and to be spared from His wrath. Read More

Chapter 6

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 15
    Topics: God & Truth, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    When you start the Lord’s Prayer by saying, "Our Father," it sets the stage for one of the most difficult phrases to pray: "Your will be done." Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 14
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Jesus talks about getting away to an inner room to pray. What should a busy mom do when she never seems to be able to be alone? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 13
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    "Your kingdom come." This is more than just a phrase from a famous prayer. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 12
    Topics: Prayer, The Enemy   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    How do you fight evil? Do you band together with other believers or perhaps organize petition drives? Nancy presents a much different approach. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 11
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    If you’re interested in building your own kingdom, you’re in for a difficult future. Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 10
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    This November, voters will choose our next president. But for you, an issue even more important than that is determining who will be your King. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 9
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    What does "Hallowed be Your name" mean? Nancy explains that the more important question is whether you’re showing the people around you what God is like. Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 8
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    "Hallowed be Your name." You probably never say that except when praying. So the question is, do you know what it means? Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 7
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    God is in heaven. That’s a basic idea, so why don't we always act like we believe it? Learn how the concept of God ruling in heaven changes our life on earth. Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 6
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    When helping women who have been abused by their fathers, some ministries encourage praying to God as "Mother." Is this wise? Is it biblical? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 5
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Could you call the White House and set up a meeting with the President? Probably not. Few people have access to the President. But you can have access to God. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 4
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    In school you probably learned that every letter you write should have a greeting ("Dear So-and-so"). Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 3
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    When you pray, where is your focus? Is it on you and your needs? Nancy shares why prayers are often "me centered." Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 2
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Do you ever feel that your prayers are inadequate? Nancy offers encouragement and helps you find out why prayer is more about the heart. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 1
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    "Our Father, who art in heaven." This is one of the best-known prayers. You might even have memorized it. Read More

  • Putting God First
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 6:33

    As I look back on the life of my father, I see several reasons for the blessing of God on his life. He put God first above everything else. Read More

  • Replace It with the Truth
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: The Enemy   Scripture: Matthew 6:13

    Each lie must be countered with the corresponding truth. Read More

  • Neither Will Your Father
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Matthew 6:12

    If we’re holding on to bitterness, we can never hope to enjoy the full, sweet taste of God’s compassion and mercy. Read More

  • The Birds of the Air
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 6:26

    God doesn’t just watch the birds eat. He is personally involved with their feeding. And what He does for these, He will do for you. Read More

  • What Makes Us Anxious
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 6:34-24

    In a world full of trouble, how is it even possible to have a quiet heart? Part of the solution lies in identifying what makes us anxious in the first place. Read More

  • Take Away the Props
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 6:21

    The Lord. He will never fail you. He will never distress you. He will never let you down. Read More

  • Treasure in Heaven
    Topics: Money & Giving   Scripture: Matthew 6:20

    Listen to a bestselling author who chooses to make minimum wage. He’ll help you think about some ways you can invest in eternity. Read More

  • Episode 4: The Secret Fast
    Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18

    Why is fasting so rarely discussed? Is it okay to tell others that you are fasting? Erin will answer those and other questions in today's episode. Read More

  • Episode 5: The Tiger in a Box
    Topics: Church & Worship, Time Management & Health   Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

    Why do you get hungry so often? Erin says God created you that way to remind you of your need for Him. Read More

  • Partial Disclosure
    Topics: Modesty, Purity & Beauty   Scripture: Matthew 6:26-33

    Can you cover all your skin and still be immodest? Yes, according to Nancy. She'll give some wise and practical counsel. Read More

  • Priority Seating
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer, Time Management & Health   Scripture: Matthew 6:33

    As we prepare to close 2023, I’m thoughtful of what we’ll need as we launch out into another year of bringing glory to His name. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 39
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Amen. You probably use that word every time you pray out loud. But what does it really mean? Nancy provides an explanation on today’s program. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 38
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Can your child recite the Lord’s Prayer? At what age should you teach it to a child? Nancy shares why this prayer is valuable to children. Read More

  • The Lord’s Prayer, Day 37
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    If you think about the concept of "forever" for very long, your brain will start to hurt. Read More

  • Our Relationship with Our Father
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 6:9

    Jesus opened the way for us to have a relationship with God as our Father, giving us the freedom and boldness to approach God with our requests. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 36
    Topics: God & Truth, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Pride is subtle and destructive. The most respectable-looking person may be racked with it. But what exactly is pride? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 35
    Topics: God & Truth, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Pay your gas or electric bill and you’ll understand how valuable power is. Nancy tells about someone who has all the power He needs. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 34
    Topics: Prayer, Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    In control. Does that describe you? Nancy explains the dangers of trying to be in control when that’s really someone else’s job. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 33
    Topics: Prayer, The Enemy   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    When you repeat the Lord's Prayer, you say the words "deliver us from the evil one." Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 32
    Topics: Prayer, The Enemy   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    You have an enemy. This enemy is more dangerous than any terrorist or criminal. You don’t have to be afraid, but you do need to pray. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 31
    Topics: Prayer, Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    The Lord’s Prayer includes the line, "Lead us not into temptation." If you are tempted, does that mean God let you down? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 30
    Topics: Prayer, Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Does God ever tempt you? If not, why would Jesus bother to include the line "Lead us not into temptation" in the Lord’s Prayer? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 29
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Every believer in Christ has been forgiven. That's amazing news! It’s so amazing, in fact, that a lot of people have trouble believing it. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 28
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    If you don’t forgive other people, you may have trouble accepting God’s forgiveness for your sin. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 27
    Topics: Prayer, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Debt is serious. When you can’t pay it back, drastic measures can be taken, such as a home foreclosure. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 26
    Topics: Prayer, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Condemnation will make you feel separated from God. So what do you do when you sin over and over and feel far away from the One you love? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 25
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Prayer, Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Most people avoid guilt at all costs. Adults go to counseling to get rid of it. Parents try to keep their kids from it. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 24
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Prayer, Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    How many people have prayed, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"? You could no doubt count the number in the millions. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 23
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Everybody has to learn to trust God to provide. But for moms, that can be especially important. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 22
    Topics: Money & Giving, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    The Bible tells about a woman who was scraping the bottom of her flour container. She was in the middle of a famine and had very little to eat. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 21
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions, Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    God fed the prophet Elijah in the wilderness, using birds to carry bread and meat. Could He do that today? Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 20
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    One of the writers of Proverbs asked God to give him neither poverty nor riches. That’s hard for us to comprehend in a free market economy. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 19
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    "God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food." If you learned this mealtime prayer as a child, you still know how to finish it. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 18
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Everybody knows what it’s like to wait on hold to talk to someone. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 17
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    Many women struggle with figuring out God’s will. Nancy gives some ideas about this struggle from wise women. Read More

  • The Lord's Prayer, Day 16
    Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

    When you share Christ with someone and that person is saved, it’s more than just a one-time decision. It’s the entrance into a lifestyle. Read More

Chapter 7

  • A Foundation of Integrity
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Matthew 7:26

    Jesus didn’t tell a story about a house that avoided the storm; He told about the house that could withstand the storm. Read More

  • Just Do
    Robyn McKelvy   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 7:12

    No matter where we go, whether it’s the grocery store, work, church, or anywhere else, we’re surrounded by people who are hurting and broken. Read More

  • The Golden Rule
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 7:12

    If restoration is our hope, repentance is our need. Read More

  • Manners Matter
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 7:12

    First Corinthians 13 is often called the “love chapter” of the Bible, as it lists what real love should—and shouldn’t—look like. Read More

  • Build on the Rock
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Matthew 7:24

    In Jesus’ story in Matthew 7, by the time the storm comes it’s too late to think about weatherproofing the house. The foundation has already been chosen. Read More

Chapter 8

  • Assurance in Obedience
    Topics: Revival, Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 8:5-10

    Whatever God says to you whether it’s hard, easy, or challenging; whatever it costs and however hard it may look, do it! Read More

  • Rest in Jesus
    Topics: God & Truth, Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27

    Do you ever think that if your circumstances would change you would have peace? Erin explains where you can find true rest and peace. Read More

Chapter 9

  • A Compassion that Prays
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 9:37-38

    Compassion is such a deep and visceral emotion that it overflows into fervent, insistent, and determined prayer. Read More

  • A Compassion that Prays
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 9:37-38

    Compassion is such a deep and visceral emotion that it overflows into fervent, insistent, and determined prayer. Read More

  • The Compassion of Christ
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 9:36

    Jesus' compassion is one of the characteristics repeated over and over in the Gospels. Read More

  • The Compassion of Christ
    Aylín Merck   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 9:36

    The Lord’s heart suffers with those who suffer (even those most difficult to love and who did not want Him close). That is compassion. Read More

Chapter 11

  • The Final Say
    Dannah Gresh   Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Matthew 11:28

    Listen to me: depression is not a disqualifier, and it doesn’t get the final say in our lives. God’s Word does. Read More

Chapter 13

  • More than a Good Offer
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 13:44

    Jesus has changed everything for me. He is my rock of security. Read More

Chapter 14

  • A Compassion that Moves
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 14:14

    Compassion is a love with skin. It helps us to understand another person’s life and show them a love that has hands, feet, and tears. Read More

  • Don’t Sink
    Erin Davis   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 14:30

    What’s giving you a sinking feeling today? What threatens to overwhelm your confidence in Jesus? Cry out to the Lord! Read More

  • Evidence of Our Faith
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 14:31

    Do you consider yourself heavenly-minded or earthly-minded? Read More

  • When Jesus Sends You into a Storm
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Matthew 14:32-33

    In the storm, we see Christ’s beauty and experience His satisfying presence in a way we can't when the birds are chirping in the background. Read More

Chapter 15

  • A Matter of the Heart
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 15:19

    Jesus refused to be impressed with the things that men esteem most highly and insisted on exposing the hearts of people as what really mattered. Read More

Chapter 16

  • Total Surrender
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 16:24

    Having surrendered our lives to Christ as Savior and Lord, we must learn what it means to live out a surrendered life. Read More

  • Relinquishing Control
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 16:25

    My appeal to you is to recognize the foolishness and futility of further resistance and to believe and obey the gospel that Jesus is Lord. Read More

  • At Any Cost
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 16:24

    We’re called to give up our own plans and embrace God’s will. Read More

Chapter 17

  • Why You Should Expect Suffering
    Topics: God & Truth, Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Matthew 17:1-13

    It’s natural to avoid suffering, but Nancy says we should expect suffering in the future. She’ll help you develop godly approaches to suffering. Read More

  • Just Another Prophet?
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 17:1-13

    It’s popular to think of Jesus as a good teacher and a moral prophet. But He was so much more. Nancy explains why in a series on the transfiguration. Read More

  • Mountains and Valleys
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 17:1-13

    As you walk with the Lord, you’ll go through seasons of great excitement and joy and seasons of suffering. Jesus went through both. Read More

  • Weight of Glory: The Transfiguration of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9

    The gospels tell of an incident on a mountain. The clothing of Jesus began to shine and His glory was revealed. Why was that moment so significant? Read More

  • Several Steps Ahead
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 17:27

    Few people enjoy thinking about taxes, so it was a challenging day for Peter. Read More

Chapter 18

  • Faith Like a Child
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 18:3

    Becoming like “a weaned child” (Psalm 131:2) means quieting my heart, being still in my Father’s presence, trusting His wisdom and love. Read More

  • Freedom from Prison
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Matthew 18:23-35

    What does it mean to truly forgive others? Nancy answers that pertinent question as we look at freedom through forgiveness. Read More

Chapter 19

  • Who’s the Greatest?
    Robyn McKelvy   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 19:14

    In Matthew 18, the disciples asked Jesus this question: “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (v. 1). Read More

Chapter 20

  • An Encounter with Humility
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28

    Erin Davis will weave the strands of Solome’s biblical story together to show us a powerful picture of pride and humility. Read More

Chapter 21

  • Episode 2: The Angry Side of Jesus
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions, God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 21:11-13, John 2:13-16

    What makes Jesus angry? And what does his pattern of anger teach us about our own tempers? Read More

Chapter 22

  • Love Is an Equalizer
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 22:39

    As a Christian, the power of Jesus’ love is at our disposal, and we can use it in our relationships. Read More

  • The Greatest Gift
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 22:37

    God wants us to love Him for who He is and to find comfort in Him rather than in all His external benefits. Read More

Chapter 23

  • Whitewashed Tombs
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 23:27

    By looking down on others as “less spiritual,” we’re missing the heart of the gospel and the grace of Christ. Read More

  • Ready for Scrutiny
    Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 23:23-38

    The Pharisees of Jesus’ day appeared to be very holy, but Jesus saved His harshest words for them. Does that mean that holiness doesn’t matter? Read More

  • How to Minister to the Self-Righteous Counselee
    Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: Matthew 23:1-7

    How do you disciple someone else when they don't think they need any help? Dr. Venessa Ellen shows how to invest in the lives of self-righteous women. Read More

Chapter 25

  • “Hidden” Service
    Laura Booz   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Matthew 25:21

    Each one of us will serve God privately much more than we ever serve Him publicly. This is our calling. Read More

  • Our Time Is Not Our Own
    Portia Collins   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Matthew 25:15

    I am living for the glory of God, and this means that every ounce of my life should be consumed with His cause. Read More

Chapter 26

  • Pressed Down
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 26:36

    The Son of God was “pressed” beyond anything we can possibly fathom that night among the olive trees. Read More

  • In Our Place
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 26:59

    The Holy Son of God stood there in our place, on trial for our sins. Read More

  • Episode 6: The Stressed Side of Jesus
    Topics: God & Truth, Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Matthew 26:36

    Consider all Christ endured for you and you’ll never look at your own stress the same way again. Read More

  • Planned Developments: The Trial of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 26:59-27:1

    What was the greatest miscarriage of justice in the history of the world? You’ve probably read about the incident. Read More

  • Hard-Pressed: The Soul-Anguish of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46

    In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus agonized in prayer. Why did He approach His upcoming trial with such anguish? Read More

  • Costly Gratitude
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: Matthew 26:27

    When you harmonize the Gospel accounts, it appears that Jesus paused at least three times during the Passover observance to give thanks. Read More

  • Singing in the Shadow
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Matthew 26:30

    Because of Christ’s sacrifice, the same song that brightened the shadow of the cross can cast its calming light into the room where you’re sitting today. Read More

  • Watch and Pray
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Matthew 26:41

    When we express our weakness and need, God pours out grace and gives us energy. Read More

Chapter 27

  • Why? The Word of Dereliction
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 27:45-46

    Thousands of people were crucified each year in Rome during the time of Jesus, so the physical suffering He went through wasn’t unheard of. Read More

  • Planned Developments: The Trial of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Matthew 26:59-27:1

    What was the greatest miscarriage of justice in the history of the world? You’ve probably read about the incident. Read More

  • Episode 3: The Most Meaningful Eclipse in History
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:27-28:10

    Erin explores the darkest day in human history and shows you why the events of that day can let you enjoy the light forever. Read More

  • The Word of Dereliction
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:46

    If you’ve trusted Christ as your sin-bearer, you will never be truly forsaken—because your Savior was forsaken for you. Read More

  • The Judgment of Darkness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:45

    When Christ died, the sun was darkened because the cross was a place of judgment. Read More

  • A Glimpse of What's to Come
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:51-52

    The earthquake on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion was no small tremor. Read More

  • Filled with Awe
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:54

    There was nothing too hard for God at Calvary. And there’s nothing too hard for Him today. Read More

  • Episode 5: The Whispers of Pilate’s Wife: Who Is Jesus to You?
    Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Matthew 27:1-25

    What comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. Read More

  • Access to God
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Matthew 27:51

    Instead of a barrier between us and God, there’s a gate and entrance—Jesus! The sign no longer says, “Stay out!” but, “Enter and draw near!” Read More

  • Behind the Curtain: The Calvary Miracles
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 27:45-53

    When Jesus died on the cross, many graves opened and saints came back to life. What do you make of this miracle? Why did it happen? Read More

Chapter 28