Daily Reflections

How to Approach God's Word

January 7, 2023 Laura Gonzalez de Chavez

“Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” —Matthew 4:4

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Logos, the Word of God, and He wants to fellowship with you. He knows you; He wants to be known by you and talk to you; He wants to reveal Himself to you through His Word. If we are Christians, it’s essential to be in the Word of God, growing in the knowledge of God.

To read the Bible devotionally is to approach it in a teachable, humble, and prayerful spirit. It’s treasuring what you read, aware that you’re in the presence of God, exposing yourself to His Word; aware that you are having communion with Christ, worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth and meditating on His eternal truths.

The truths of the Bible must not only impact your mind but also your affections and your will. As you search God’s Word, pray that the Spirit of truth will teach you and that these truths will permeate your mind and heart, coming to profoundly impact and transform your life.

Make it Personal

As you open your Bible today, pray that you would be open to hearing what God wants to teach you through its pages.