Daily Reflections

“Hidden” Service

May 5, 2023 Laura Booz

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” —Matthew 25:21

Several years ago, an elderly woman joined our Bible study after twenty-five years of caring for her ill husband. For five years he required her constant care and company before he passed away. She said that during that time she didn’t see the great worth of her sacrifice. Now that her quiet work was done, God showed her that the daily choice to serve just one person was eternally significant.

This beautiful woman reminded me that this calling of humble, invisible service is a calling for all Christians. At one point or another, we’re called to serve God in hidden ways. He may call us to serve in this way for one year, eighteen years, or twenty-five years. It’s a calling for men and women of all ages, educational backgrounds, career expertise, and spiritual gifts.

Each one of us will serve God privately much more than we ever serve Him publicly. This is our calling. Are we willing to say, “Yes”?

Make it Personal

In what “hidden” ways has God called you to serve Him today?