Daily Reflections

More than a Good Offer

October 25, 2020 Shannon Popkin

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found . . . Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” —Matthew 13:44

I understand what we mean when we say we “accepted Christ”—that we’ve received His gift of salvation (Eph. 2:8). We recognize that He alone can save us from our sin, reconcile our broken relationship with God, and grant us entrance into heaven.

But the Bible says true believers are the ones who treasure Jesus with all their hearts, not merely accept Him as a good solution to their problems. Unless our hearts are stirred to love Christ above all else, we don’t truly belong to Him.

I love Jesus. I marvel that He chose me! I’m amazed that He would die in my place to cleanse me from sin. Jesus has changed everything for me. He is my rock of security.

If Jesus is the treasure I can’t stop smiling about, the world will see that I’ve done more than just accept a good offer; I’ve fallen in love with a Person.

Make it Personal

If Jesus is your treasure, how can you let others know—even today?