Daily Reflections

Watch and Pray

January 29, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“Stay awake and pray, so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” —Matthew 26:41

Jesus’ disciples knew all about being too tired to pray. At the moment that their dearest Friend needed them to keep spiritual watch with Him, emotionally and physically exhausted, they succumbed to sleep. Jesus did not berate them. But He did remind them that the failure to “watch and pray” would leave them vulnerable to temptation.

I have discovered that the more tired I am, the more I need the refreshing of His presence. Yes, there are those days when the eyelids are heavy. But there is something energizing about time spent in the Word, praise, and prayer.

Look for creative ways to wake up and stay awake—get out of bed (for me, staying in bed is a sure way to fall asleep); take a shower; stand or walk to pray; sing; weather permitting, have your quiet time outside.

But the most important strategy is to ask God for help. When we express our weakness and need, He pours out grace and gives us energy.

Make it Personal

Ask the Lord to help you watch and pray as you spend time with Him today.