Chapter 1

  • Mature Women and Godly, Manly Elders
    Topics: Church & Worship   Scripture: Titus 1

    What should unmarried women look for in a husband? The Bible offers a list of qualities. That’s what Pastor Voddie Baucham says. Read More

  • God Uses Mature Men and Women in Your Life
    Topics: Church & Worship   Scripture: Titus 1

    Pastor Voddie Baucham presents a clear, motivating, and challenging picture of manhood and womanhood in the church. Read More

  • A Heart for Home
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-1:5

    Do you like your husband? Mary and Nancy ask that question as they explore Titus 2. They'll show you why it’s important not to just tolerate husbands. Read More

Chapter 2

  • The Joy of Generous Hospitality
    Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Titus 2:3-6

    Practicing hospitality can be simple and can lead to great relationships, both within the family and with others. Learn the joy of hospitality. Read More

  • A Home That Reflects God's Grace
    Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    If a friend stopped over unexpectedly, would you feel ready to invite her in? Read More

  • What True Love Looks Like
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Young women are growing up in a culture that’s unfriendly to a biblical view of womanhood. How do you teach young women to truly love their husbands. Read More

  • Loving Our Husbands
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:2-5

    Wouldn’t it be nice if you could download a set of instructions on how to love your particular husband? Read More

  • A Mother's Example
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    According to Carolyn Mahaney, learning to be a godly wife and mother is not just about creating a happy home. There’s actually a bigger purpose. Read More

  • What Is a True Woman?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You don't have to be involved in politics, economics or culture to effect the world. Read More

  • What Is a True Woman?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You have a huge influence on the world around you. When you embrace Biblical truth and act on it, it will impact the world around you in surprising ways. Read More

  • How God Overcomes Failure in Your Family
    Voddie Baucham Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If your family doesn't look like the ideal picture experts paint, don't give up. Pastor Voddie Baucham invites you to watch God change a broken legacy. Read More

  • What Is a True Woman?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You don't have to be involved in politics, economics, or culture to effect the world. When you act on biblical truth, it will impact the world around you. Read More

  • Good and Kind
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Titus 2:4-5

    What Paul is exhorting in Titus 2 is more than simply a nice, friendly feeling. It’s kindness that goes somewhere. Read More

  • Spiritual Mothering
    Susan Hunt Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Women's Ministry   Scripture: Titus 2:5

    Susan shares ideas for implementing a vibrant Titus 2 discipleship ministry in the local church. Read More

  • A Home-Based Curriculum
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Titus 2:3

    Our home life—far from being separate from our spiritual life—is a foundational way we express the love of God and the beauty of the gospel. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women Day 48
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Have you noticed how people are asking whether we’re in a “post-truth world"? Well, you can still trust the Word of God. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 47
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Each weekday, Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps women discover greater freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 46
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Did you know God has a beautiful design for your life? Women are discovering that design and are living out the beauty of the gospel. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 45
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You want your life to count for something, don't you? Of course you do. All of us do. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 44
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Think about your friends who don’t share your faith. Where do they get their opinions of God and the Bible? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 43
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Husbands and wives are bound to disagree on some decisions. The way they discuss the issue and reach a conclusion will have a huge effect on their marriage. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 42
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Nancy says a wife can’t submit to her husband until she’s first submitted to God, and she shows that she is submitted to God the way she relates to her husband. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 41
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Traditionally, brides promised to love, honor, and obey their husbands. Should the word obey remain in vows today, or is that an antiquated concept? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 40
    Topics: Motherhood & Family, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If your children talked exactly like you, would they need any correction? Learn how to become a proper example for your kids. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 39
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Does it ever feel like you can never finish all the tasks on your list? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 38
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Imagine hosting honored guests in your home. If they could visit for only a short time, how would you spend it? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 37
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When a friend from church is in the hospital or has a new baby, what do you do? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 36
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You can paint your walls, redo your flooring, install new fixtures, or update your look. None of these things truly creates a warm home. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 35
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    No matter what season you’re in, married or single, your home can be a powerful place for ministry. Nancy shows some practical ways for having a heart for home. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 34
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    The apostle Paul calls women to be a keeper at home. Nancy shows what that means practically. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 33
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If you’re a mom, do you ever feel like your hard work is going unappreciated? Nancy explains why your role is so valuable. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 32
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If you truly love other people with the love of Christ, it will keep you from adultery. Find out why Christlike love leads to self-control. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 31
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Impurity has hit the mainstream. You can read about girls gone wild at any checkout counter. But you can offer an alternative—a picture of purity. Read More

  • Passing on the Word
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3

    The Word allows us to be confident that we can talk about womanhood in a way that will be applicable to every place in the world throughout history. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 30
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you are developing biblical thinking, no one can see what’s going on. Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 29
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You are invited to live a peaceful, beautiful life. That peace and beauty do not come from working harder or struggling longer. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 28
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Sometimes pressures come at you so fast that it seems like you can’t think straight. Nancy explains how to think clearly no matter what. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 27
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Do you ever look back on past actions and say to yourself, "What was I thinking? That was crazy." Learn how to avoid crazy actions. Read More

  • Bearing Witness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:5

    As Christian women, we’re to cultivate the elements of godly womanhood so God’s Word won’t be “slandered” (Titus 2:5). Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 26
    Topics: Motherhood & Family, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you feel all used up at the end of a day, how are you supposed to give energy and attention to your kids? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 25
    Topics: Motherhood & Family, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Every mom would claim to love her children, but what does it really mean to show Christlike love in a home? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 24
    Topics: Hope & Encouragement, Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When was the last time you encouraged your husband? There are several compelling reasons why encouragement needs to be a part of your life. Read More

  • Displaying His Beauty
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Modesty, Purity & Beauty, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:10

    Living as a true woman of God is really all about beauty. As daughters of the King, we are to display the attractiveness of the gospel. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 23
    Topics: Hope & Encouragement, Womanhood, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    How important is encouragement? And how are you modeling it? Find out more about the power of encouraging words. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 22
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Keeping up with the needs of a busy household is a challenge. Learn how to make your husband a priority. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 21
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Are you being exactly who God wants you to be, doing exactly what He wants you to do? Learn to find and embrace His calling on your life. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 20
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Does it seem difficult to find someone to get involved with in a mentoring relationship? Get some practical advice on finding or being a mentor. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 19
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    In the book of Titus, older women are told to teach younger women. Yet a lot of barriers make this seem difficult. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 18
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Becoming a mentor to younger women sounds like a good idea, but where do you start? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 17
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If others were copying your life, modeling theirs on your relationships, finances, and words, how would they turn out? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 16
    Topics: Pornography, Addictions & Abuse, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Do you ever feel that you can’t change? That you’re stuck in some sinful behavior and have no way out? Nancy says there's always hope. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 15
    Topics: Pornography, Addictions & Abuse, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you think about addiction, what comes to mind? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 13
    Topics: Pornography, Addictions & Abuse, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you face trials and hardships in your life, what do you turn to? If it’s anything other than Jesus, has that thing become an idol in your life? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 12
    Topics: Pornography, Addictions & Abuse, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you are controlled by addiction, it doesn’t just affect you. It also affects believers and non-believers around you. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 11
    Topics: Womanhood, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If you have a problem with gossip or other sins of the tongue, what should you do about it? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 10
    Topics: Womanhood, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Someone has described gossip as "verbal homicide." Is comparing slander with murder too extreme? Read More

  • God's Beautiful Design for Women, Day 9
    Topics: Womanhood, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Slander and gossip are serious. In fact, the book of Titus uses a Greek word that associates slander with the devil. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 8
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Think about the generation coming up behind you. If they looked to you as an example of behavior, would they be living godly lives? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 7
    Topics: Modesty, Purity & Beauty, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You can spend a lot of energy and money trying to hold on to youth. But if you’re not asking God to shape your character, you’re not truly beautiful. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 6
    Topics: Aging, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Do you ever feel disqualified to teach other people because of your own weakness? Nancy says you can teach others by helping them avoid your mistakes. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 5
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Everybody knows how to give an opinion, but some rare people offer godly wisdom. It rings true when you hear it. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 4
    Topics: Christian Growth, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Have you ever assumed that doctrine is for scholars who like to pore over ancient texts in big libraries? Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 3
    Topics: Christian Growth, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you hear the word doctrine, what comes to mind? Get a solid definition of sound doctrine. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 2
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Doctrine is important; we need to understand what the Bible says. But knowing doctrine isn’t enough. Learn how truth and life combine. Read More

  • God’s Beautiful Design for Women, Day 1
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If someone could listen to all your conversations, analyze your spending habits, and watch the way you use your time, would they see God working in your life? Read More

  • Developing Authentic Sisterhood, Day 1
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-10

    Busy, busy, busy. In the middle of all the busy, busy, busyness who has time for friendships? Real ones—not the Facebook kind. Read More

  • Instruments of Grace
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Life's all about how we can shine a spotlight on Jesus and make the redemption story visible to those who need to hear it. Read More

  • Life-Givers in Training
    Topics: Motherhood & Family, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Most people would take all the rewards offered to them, but when God offers to reward us, sometimes we don’t want to accept it. Read More

  • An Unexpected Blessing
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Robyn McKelvy struggled to understand the biblical instructions for wives to submit to their husbands. Read More

  • Need Help Lovin’ That Man
    Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    How can you develop a friendship and love a husband who has hurt you deeply? Dannah Gresh knows what it’s like to walk through deep valleys in marriage. Read More

  • A Taste of Heaven
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Betsy Gómez was a young and upcoming marketing executive who thought she was taking care of her son because she had hired a full-time nanny. Read More

  • Passionate About Purity
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Dannah Gresh knew she had been forgiven for impure choices as a teenager. But when she confessed her past to her husband, she felt freedom. Read More

  • A 'Sophron' State of Mind
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Surrender   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Mary Kassian says true change begins when you surrender your mind—your thinking—to the Lord. Read More

  • At Liberty
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Could you live without your phone? Is it the first thing you look at when you wake up? The first thing you look at before you go to bed? Could you be addicted? Read More

  • You Don’t Say
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Dámaris Carbaugh defines “slander” and helps you evaluate whether your life could be slandering the Lord. Read More

  • Message 1: A Woman Adorned and Adorning
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Listen in as Nancy casts a vision for living out the beauty of the gospel together—with spiritual mothers, daughters, and sisters. Read More

  • Revival of Reverence
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Everything you do matters, and you can do it as your worship to the Lord. Mary Kassian shows how to make every moment count. Read More

  • Message 2: Doctrine, You, and Titus 2
    Mary Kassian Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    We all have a doctrine. But is it healthy? Consider your own against the backdrop of Titus 2:1. After all, it’s right thinking that leads to right living. Read More

  • Grow Up and Step Up
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Susan Hunt knows she’s on the last leg of life’s journey. But she wants to stay engaged in God’s will to the very end. Read More

  • Message 3: Don't Give Up on That Modeling Career
    Susan Hunt Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Lean in close as Susan shares four truths she wishes she’d known earlier as well as how to age in grace and dependence on God. Read More

  • Don't Give Up on That Modeling Career
    Topics: Aging, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    When you’ve been in a race a very long time, it’s easy to slow down and lose intensity. Susan Hunt will encourage you to continue investing in others. Read More

  • Message 4: Grow Up & Step Up
    Susan Hunt Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    What does older women training younger women have to do with creation, the fall, redemption, and transformation? Everything, says Susan. Read More

  • Doctrine, You, and Titus 2
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Would you want to drink a glass filled with waste? Wouldn’t you want it to be pure? Developing pure thinking is just as important as drinking pure water. Read More

  • Message 5: Revival of Reverence
    Mary Kassian Topics: God & Truth, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Mary explains why every moment is sacred for the believer and challenges us to “start a revival of reverence.” Read More

  • A Woman Adorned and Adorning
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Nancy says you need spiritual mothers in your life, spiritual sisters, and spiritual daughters. She’ll help you recognize who God may want you to connect with. Read More

  • Message 6: You Don't Say
    Dámaris Carbaugh Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    You may not slander others verbally, but has your life slandered or misrepresented the character of God? Read More

  • Better Together
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Titus 2 tells older women to teach younger women. Have you ever been in that kind of mentoring relationship? A group of women introduce Titus 2. Read More

  • Message 7: At Liberty
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Nancy asks us to examine the task masters in our lives and reminds us that we have been set free to serve a new Master now. Read More

  • Message 8: A "Sophron" State of Mind
    Mary Kassian Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Do you want more self-control? If so, Mary says we need to deal with the beliefs behind our behavior. Read More

  • Message 9: Passionate About Purity
    Dannah Gresh Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Are you struggling to be pure? Dannah reminds us that we can’t be pure on our own . . . but Jesus can purify us. Read More

  • Message 10: Taste of Heaven
    Betsy Gómez Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Do you prioritize and value your work at home? Be encouraged and challenged by Betsy’s testimony. Read More

  • Message 11: Need Help Lovin' That Man
    Dannah Gresh Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Dannah’s transparent story will encourage you to go deeper in your love for your husband. Read More

  • Message 12: An Unexpected Blessing
    Robyn McKelvy Topics: Marriage & Dating, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Is independence more your style than submission? Robyn can relate. Lean in as she shares what godly submission is—and is not. Read More

  • Message 13: Life-Givers in Training
    Robyn McKelvy Topics: Motherhood & Family, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    This mom of ten offers an inspiring message from Psalm 127 reminding us that children are valuable assets and delightful gifts from God. Read More

  • Reflecting the Beauty of Christ
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    What kind of picture are you giving the world of Christ? Nancy and Mary Kassian show you how to show the world the jaw-dropping beauty of Christ. Read More

  • From Woman to Woman
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Younger women can feel like older women aren’t available. And older women feel like younger women aren’t interested. Nancy and Mary show you how to connect. Read More

  • What Does It Mean to Be Amenable?
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Jesus had tremendous authority, but He used that authority to serve others. He calls for you and me to do the same. Read More

  • The Power of Kindness
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Be kind. It seems like the most basic kindergarten-style instruction? Actually, kindness is a radical choice that will have a huge effect on people. Read More

  • Working at Home
    Topics: Hospitality & Home, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    The apostle Paul encourages women to be “working at home.” Does that mean women shouldn’t work outside the home? What about a career or paycheck? Read More

  • The Beauty of a Pure Life
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Human marriage provides a powerful picture of Christ’s love for the Church. The choices we make have an affect on if the world around us sees this picture. Read More

  • A Self-Controlled Life
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    If you choose to accelerate bitter thinking, you can end up with a crash. Nancy will talk with Mary Kassian about keeping thoughts and emotions under control. Read More

  • A Heart for Home
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-1:5

    Do you like your husband? Mary and Nancy ask that question as they explore Titus 2. They'll show you why it’s important not to just tolerate husbands. Read More

  • Reverent in Behavior
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Women are told to be reverent. Does that mean they have to speak in hushed tones and never have fun? Nancy and Mary will show you how in practical ways. Read More

  • Building Your Life on Sound Doctrine
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    Today, voices and ideas swirl around you everywhere. How do you know whether you’re hearing the truth? Nancy and Mary show you how to develop discernment. Read More

  • How to Become a Mentor
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:2-5

    Many younger women want the advice and counsel of older women. Nancy and Betty Huizenga tell mentors how to connect with those who are eager to learn. Read More

  • Passing the Baton
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    Have you ever considered mentoring someone? Nancy encourages you to do this even if you don’t feel like a spiritual "superstar." Read More

  • A Heart for Home
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    My friend is giving those who come through the front door a taste of heaven. Because she has developed a heart for home. Read More

  • Esteeming the Family
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3-4

    A true woman esteems the family as the God-instituted foundational structure for all of human life and relationships. Read More

  • Workers at Home
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    As women, we have a particular responsibility for the home. That doesn’t mean we do everything and men don’t do anything. Read More

  • What Difference Does it Make?
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2

    Are you aware that your life has a ripple effect? When you embrace God’s design for your life, those around you will be changed. Read More

  • You Can't Be a True Woman (On Your Own)
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2

    When a woman of God embraces biblical truth and acts on it, she impacts her world in powerful ways. The problem? No one can embrace biblical truth without God. Read More

  • What Is a True Woman?
    Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Titus 2:1-5

    You have a huge influence on the world around you. You don’t have to be involved in politics, economics, or culture to affect the world. Read More

  • How to be Calm in Chaos
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Titus 2:11

    As our world seems to be descending into lunacy, Nancy opens the Bible and gives needed perspective for our day. Read More

  • Hope in God
    Barbara Reaoch   Topics: God & Truth, Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Titus 2:13

    Hope in God means we are certain His Word is true. Read More

  • Modeling and Training
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

    In order to build God’s kingdom, you need to model and train and live out the truth and actively teach it. Read More

Chapter 3

  • Message 14: Instruments of Grace
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 3:2-5

    Do you consider kindness wimpy . . . or powerful enough to move mountains? Learn about the surprising power of kindness. Read More

  • A Good Report
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Titus 3:1-2

    Philippians 4:8 is a good test for both our thoughts and our words. Read More

  • Why Women Need Each Other
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Titus 3:3-5

    When women mentor other women in practical areas like meal planning, something spiritually significant is taking place. Read More

  • Through His Righteousness Alone
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Titus 3:5

    We’re not saved by trying harder, by going to church, or by being good. Instead, we’re saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Read More

  • The Gift of Kindness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Titus 3:4-5

    Most people would agree that showing kindness is a nice, decent thing to do. But for a believer, it’s the God-thing to do. Read More

  • Loving Our Enemies
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Titus 3:4-5

    Jesus' kindness toward us wasn’t based on how we treated Him or on any worthiness in us. Read More

  • The Power of a Redeemed Life
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Titus 3:8

    Thanks to the work of God’s grace in us, we can do good works toward others. Read More