The Best and Easiest Way to Learn God’s Glorious Attributes

“Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminds you of a powerful truth that will affect the rest of your life.” 

Will affect the rest of your life.

How’s that for an introduction to Nancy’s podcast on the character and nature of God? The best part is that it’s true. 

Knowing and understanding the character and nature of God touches every area of our lives. Our beliefs about Him form our deepest thoughts and ripple out through our every word and deed. 

Knowing who God is and what He does lies at the heart of my last post, “Is There an Easy and Transformational Way to Study the Bible?,”which leads us to our next logical question: is there an easy and best way to learn about God’s glorious attributes? The answer is two-fold. 

The Best Way to Learn about God’s Glorious Attributes

From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals who He is. He opened the Bible with a view of His eternal, omnipotent, creative, and loving nature. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Gen. 1:1)

In one verse, God revealed at least four foundational truths about Himself.

  1. God is eternal. He existed before the beginning of time. The rest of the Bible shows He always will.
  2. God is omnipotent. His almighty power created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. This same power sustains us and the universe. 
  3. God is creative. The heavens and the earth dazzle us with displays of divine beauty, order, and wisdom—three more characteristics of God.
  4. God is love. Creating the world was a display of His tremendous love. God has no needs. He’s complete within the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He doesn’t need us, and yet He chose us and created a world for us so we can see glimpses of His glory and know Him.

If we dove deeper into Genesis 1:1, I’m sure we’d find traces of other attributes of God in this single verse. Imagine how many await us in the remaining thirty-one thousand plus verses! 

The best way to learn about God’s character, nature, and ways is to open your Bible and discover Him on every page. To see how He’s worked in the world since the beginning and how He reveals Himself in manifold ways. 

Before long, His Word will reach into your heart, and by His Spirit, His Word will shape you into a shining reflection of the character of Christ (Rom. 8:29).

The Easiest Way to Learn about God’s Glorious Attributes

The best way may be the most effective way, but it’s also the longest way to learn God’s attributes. 

Discovering God throughout the Bible takes years—wonderful years. But letting Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and other teachers introduce us to His character, nature, and ways takes moments and gives us a jump start in knowing who our God is. 

As you read articles, listen to podcasts, and pour through books about God’s attributes, you’ll more easily start to see them in the Bible. They’ll pop up everywhere. It reminds me of my first Jeep. 

After my husband and I bought our first Wrangler, we noticed Jeeps all over town. I’d seen Jeeps around the city, but never as many as I noticed after we became Jeep owners. They popped up everywhere. 

Years of studying God’s Word will reveal a myriad of truths about God. I’m loving the journey. But I also praise God for those who’ve pulled His attributes off the pages of the Bible and highlighted them for us to study. 

A Few Resources to Get You Started

Dive into God’s beauty and power—into the wonder of His Name—through the following Revive Our Hearts resources. Because knowing who God is and what He does affects the rest of your life.

Series, Podcasts, and Articles by Nancy Wolgemuth

The Character of God Article Series

Additional Articles on Attributes of God

What’s Next?

Now that I’ve given you weeks (maybe months) of material to study about the attributes of God, let’s turn our attention again to the Bible. Have you ever wondered why there are so many different translations and which is best? That is the topic of the next article in our “Ease into the Bible” series.

Have you registered for True Woman ’22? Early pricing ends soon! Spend September 22–24 in Indianapolis with thousands of women from all over the world as you hear teaching from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, Kay Arthur, Pastor Chris Brooks, and many more. Save $20 when you complete your registration by April 30. We can’t wait to see you there! Visit for more information or to register today. 

About the Author

Jean Wilund

Jean Wilund is passionate about leading women into a greater understanding of the Bible and a deeper relationship with God. She serves Revive Our Hearts as a member of the blog team and a moderator for the Women's Ministry Leader … read more …

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