More Than a Misfit
Maybe you view that girl at youth group the one with the lip ring as a misfit. Or maybe you view that girl without piercings as a misfit.
Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.
Maybe you view that girl at youth group the one with the lip ring as a misfit. Or maybe you view that girl without piercings as a misfit.
I've realized how important it is for me, as an older person, to be careful of the things I do around younger people.
Remember that you are called to live for more than just yourself.
After years of Bible zooming, I've realized that my relationship with God, understanding of Scripture, and general peace in life is not what it should be.
In spite of our conditioning toward instant gratification, most of the best things in life still take a lot of time.
As we celebrate Christmas this year, we need to take a minute to hone in on Immanuel. God left heaven and came to earth to be with us and that's a big deal.
Sin is a snare, a trap. Once you step in it and it clamps shut, you can't remove it. But Jesus isn't helpless against it.
Embarrassing moments are many times completely unpredictable.
Pornography covers itself in a candy-coated package offering up promises like "Satisfaction guaranteed!"
The fact that I don't fit most lists of what girls should be like has always caused me some angst.
Are you busy doing things for Jesus without really loving Him? Are you telling others about Jesus but not truly delighting in His beauty?
I realize that a mother gives us the ability to have a healthy outlook on life and/or an unhealthy one. She "fills the bucket with understanding."
If you're in a pit of sin, whether you've fallen in willingly or unwillingly, it's so important for you to understand that you don't have to stay there.
Sharing the gospel is one of the greatest privileges that we have as Christians.
A lot of women are looking for a good man. Just one good man. As they should be.
Protecting a sister's sexual integrity is one of the highest forms of respect that a man can show to a woman.
If you're going to consider a guy worthy of a date, be sure that he knows and loves the Word of God.
God has used this little llama to teach me something about submission and about the inconvenience of love.
What do your texting habits communicate to those around you?
For a lot of people in our culture, "submission" has become a dirty word. Why? And what does God say about it?
More and more young women are saying "no thanks" to the idea of becoming mothers. What about you?
Have you ever been burned by the words of others? Or wounded someone with just your words? Yeah, me too.
When it comes to prayer don't back off, don't break off, don't call it a day. Just talk to God.
After more than five years of replacing lies with God's truth, we've decided to switch directions ...
Being familiar with the Easter story makes it easy to go on autopilot. But that day changes everything ...
Where is God when your tears start to flow? He sees you
Is there more to life than romance? Hear the good and the bad about singleness and preparing for marriage.
Here is your spring survival kit and a few doses of God's Word to help you wait for love in the right season.
Have you ever felt like the girl that no one wanted? But there is Someone who does . . .
It's easy to become comfortable with evil when we are exposed to it casually or repeatedly.