Resources by Topic Young Women

Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.

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Is God a Good King?

You may realize that God is capable of changing your circumstances, but when He doesn't, do you ever secretly doubt that He's a good King?

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Freedom from What?

Do you need to be reminded of your freedom? Are you living like a slave, tied to old habits, old sins, and old ways of thinking?

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Are You Using Your Sword?

God's Word is the sword we must use to defend ourselves against the lies told by the world and by the evil one.

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Does Submission Equal Silence?

Being submissive to your parents doesn't mean that you become a mindless robot. It doesn't mean that you loose your voice.

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How to Confront a Friend, Part 2

There's gobs of evidence in Scripture that how we approach our friends with their sin is of great consequence to God and to our relationships.

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Be a Mentor

There are unique lessons to be learned by women who have already walked the miles you have not.

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Get a Mentor

If you don't yet have a mentor, please consider this blog post a call to action.

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A Pity Party Confession

To truly see friendship as a means to love on others instead of stroking our egos or filling our calendars is radical and wonderful

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A Friendship Check-up

Before we dig in too deep to this topic, I want us to take a quick friendship check-up.

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Do You Need TV Boundaries?

We're focusing our attention on the subject of media this month. But it's really more a conversation about boundaries.

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What is Feminism?

What is feminism? Was it just a movement of hippies fighting for a woman's right to work several decades ago?