Five Ways to Seek the Lord Today

I don't know about you, but I'm used to getting things pretty quickly. I can text my friends and hear back in a snap. If I need a recipe, fashion tip, or hairstyle tutorial, I Google it. I like instant information. Sometimes while I'm waiting for my online radio app to load, I drum my fingers and roll my eyes and think, This is taking for-EVER. It takes about eight seconds for me to reach that point. I'm perfectly patient for the first four seconds. In spite of our recent conditioning, most of the best things in life still take a lot of time. It takes time to grow a friendship, to learn a new skill, or to change from a girl into a woman. It also takes time to grow in wisdom and in your walk with Christ. There is no app that will instantly turn you into a woman who knows God's Word! A few years ago, with the encouragement of my discipleship group, I read through the Bible in a year. I grew so much in my walk with God that year that I set a personal goal to read through the Bible thirty times. I just finished my fourth reading last month, and I've started on my fifth! It takes some determination to establish a regular time in the Scripture and prayer, but it's so worth it and the Holy Spirit will help you! Here are my top five tips for having a sweet daily time with the Lord:

  1.  Designate a special place. I have my quiet time on the sofa in the living room every morning. I keep my Bible and pencil and notebook right there.
  2. Print out your reading plan. I can't use my computer or phone to keep up with my plan because I get completely sucked into my email and social networking! (Tell me I'm not the only one who has this problem.)
  3. Light a candle and prepare yourself a cup of hot tea or some other fun beverage. Make it a treat for yourself.
  4. Decide ahead of time when you will have your personal devotions. I have my quiet time first thing in the morning. It was hard to establish a rhythm at first and to get out of bed earlier, but now it's the sweetest time of my day.
  5. Open your quiet time by praying Psalm 119:18: "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Expect to hear from God. Over time He will absolutely begin to reveal Himself to you as you read His Word and pray.

There is nothing more important we can do than become women who know God's Word. The Bible is His love letter to us, after all. I can hardly wait to see what He shows me this year. These are few of my tips. What are some of yours?

About the Author

Jennifer Case Cortez

Jennifer Case Cortez is a literary agent turned stay-at-home-mom who loves connecting women with the Bible and one another. You can find more of Jennifer's writing in the Mom’s Bible and Women on Life: A Call to Love the Unborn, Unloved & Neglected. In her free time, she enjoys playing the guitar, reading a good book, or spending time with her husband, Daniel, and their four children.