A Million Little Distractions
Distractions had stolen my attention yet again. Day after day, these little distractions were slowly robbing me of my time with God.
Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.
Distractions had stolen my attention yet again. Day after day, these little distractions were slowly robbing me of my time with God.
Is your time with Jesus a duty or a delight?
Three things to keep in mind when you’re searching for “the one.”
We’ve got some tips for how to navigate the awkward world of hugs.
Be honest, do you ever get tired of hearing constant reminders to focus on the “real meaning of Christmas” throughout December? Me too!
It is possible to feel truly grateful for all that God has done for you, but not without a plan.
Single girls, listen up! This is not your average sex talk.
While a couple of hours of heart-pumping horror may seem harmless, it isn’t. Here are five reasons to avoid horror movies this Halloween.
Grab your Bible, and flip to Exodus 15:20–21. Let’s let Miriam’s story teach us the reason why we worship.
Grab your Bible, and turn to Genesis 16 with us. Today we meet “a God of seeing.”
Is God calling you to a career in ministry? Here’s our two cents.
This is what a godly wife needs more than anything—more than cooking know-how, cleaning hacks, date night ideas, and home decorating savvy.
The blog post you’ve been asking for.
Thirty Proverbs to hang in your locker, write on your notebooks, carry in your backpack, and memorize while you run at practice.
While talking about other people may seem normal and acceptable to me, I look to God’s Word and see that it’s not acceptable to Him.
God takes sex very seriously. But the picture He gives us of sexuality is more intense, vibrant, and, well . . . sexy . . . than any view taught by the culture.
As I look back on our dating years and our commitment to stay pure before and after marriage, I’m amazed at the lessons God has taught us along the way.
We didn’t want to wrap up our Summer Book Club without making sure you understand the one and only gospel. It truly changes everything.
Four ways to love others well.
Why does it matter if we waste our time?
Three ways to grow, grow, grow.
The web will remain a worldwide hub for connection, but it can only enhance, never replace the gift God gave us when He created the Church.
When it comes to memorizing God's Word, we say go big!
Five ways to fight sin.
Desperate beliefs call for desperate measures.
Here are some great reasons (and some terrible ones) to sign up for a mission trip this summer.
If you're a Christian, here are six things that should change.
It’s time to announce our Summer Book Club pick. Drumroll, please!
The more I learn about God's design for me, the more I realize it takes a seriously strong woman to live like He calls us to.
The speech you may not hear at graduation.