Resources by Topic Young Women

Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.

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Cry Out with Urgency

We must cry out with urgency to the God who helps, who hears, and who remembers His people.  Oh, Lord! Help us! Hear us! Remember us!

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A Letter to Every High School Girl

The same Maker of flaming stars in the galaxies also reaches into your dizzying details and reminds you not to be anxious—because He is near. Close. Intimately

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For the Girl Whose Hope Is Gone

God’s love isn’t a quick-fix solution that tells us to stop crying so we can grit our teeth and move on; God’s love dives headfirst into the muddy pit with us.