Cry Out with Urgency
We must cry out with urgency to the God who helps, who hears, and who remembers His people. Oh, Lord! Help us! Hear us! Remember us!
Walking with God as a young woman in today’s world can be tough. Revive Our Hearts is here to help! Through articles, podcasts, videos, and more, you’ll learn how to fight lies with God’s truth and live out the beauty of the gospel. As you explore resources on topics such as God, guys, family, and friendship, you will discover how you can hold fast to biblical truth and how you can hold even tighter to Jesus.
We must cry out with urgency to the God who helps, who hears, and who remembers His people. Oh, Lord! Help us! Hear us! Remember us!
How much time do you spend on social media?
We will put feet to our words, crying out to God, expecting Him to do big things.
Even when it seems like God isn’t doing anything, He’s still working.
If you've been somewhat afraid of jumping into the conversation on gender or just don’t know what to say, today's video is for you!
What does it mean to be a woman in today’s culture?
The same Maker of flaming stars in the galaxies also reaches into your dizzying details and reminds you not to be anxious—because He is near. Close. Intimately
What if the best part of life isn’t found in our mountaintop moments?
Do you know someone who’s struggling? Are you? We want you to know . . . there is hope.
Unmotivated to open your Bible? Try this!
When we commit ourselves to endurance and obedience in suffering, we can hope for the precious healing and wholeness.
As amazing as youth group can be, discover why Jesus is better.
Don't try to DIY your own salvation. You need Jesus, the better builder.
Will you follow where Jesus leads, even when it means getting outside of your comfort zone?
If you’re struggling to grab onto faith in the midst of your own story, don’t give up.
My life looks nothing like I thought it would—it’s so much better.
Join us as we curl up with a good book all summer long.
God’s Word promises that this escape hatch is available in every temptation.
How can you fix what's been broken? You can't, but there is One who can.
God’s love isn’t a quick-fix solution that tells us to stop crying so we can grit our teeth and move on; God’s love dives headfirst into the muddy pit with us.
Trusting God with all my heart became more real while planning a wedding in the middle of a pandemic.
Don’t judge the outcome of the battle by the way things look right now.
The twists and turns and the split-second timing of crucial events seem like the most incredible coincidences, but something better was at work in the midst.
From the Garden to the Gospels, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a scrapbook filled with snapshots of God’s compassion.
Just like Esther, God has placed us in our homes, jobs, culture, and time of history on purpose, for a purpose.
Do I see any Haman in my heart?
I wanted a mentor. I just couldn't think of a woman who fit the bill.
When we go through tough times, it's easy to feel as if God has forgotten us. But God is always at work in our lives, accomplishing His purposes.
Even when you can’t see it, God is there. His work is hidden from our sight many times, but He is always acting on behalf of His people and for His glory.
A podcast and a brand-new book!