• Where Do You Go For News?
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13

    How can you be prepared for whatever may come as far as world events or life circumstances? Read More

  • Guaranteed Security
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 13

    What are you trusting in? In today's world, can you truly count on whatever it is you have been leaning on? Read More

  • Dazzled by What We See
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13

    Nancy has been asking the Lord what He would have her share with listeners during this time of apprehension about war. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 8
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Where do you turn when a problem just won't go away? Join Nancy DeMoss as she talks about perseverance. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 7
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Bob Lepine and Nancy DeMoss discuss some practical applications from the story, in Mark 5, about the woman who was healed. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 6
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Can we find joy while we're waiting for God's answer? Join Nancy DeMoss as she discusses this question on today's Revive Our Hearts. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 5
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Jesus Christ can provide more than healing as we'll see on this edition of Revive Our Hearts. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 4
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    A nameless woman in a crowd, but Jesus set her free. Join Nancy today as she talks about the power of God. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 3
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    There is help when we've lost hope. Nancy illuminates the hope we find in Jesus Christ. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 2
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Where do we turn when our situation seems hopeless? Nancy talks about a woman whose circumstances brought her to the brink of despair. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 1
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Do you struggle with the pain of sorrow, regret or fear? Nancy tells the story today of one woman who reached out to Jesus with her need. Read More

  • The Most Important Commandment
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 12:28

    Love God. It sounds like one of the simplest commands possible. Yet you can spend a lifetime learning how to fully live it out. Read More

Chapter 1

  • Stop, I Want to Get Off!
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, God & Truth, Time Management & Health, Women's Ministry   Scripture: Mark 1:23-35

    We can manifest the same spirit as Jesus did when facing pressure if we’re willing make His number one priority ours as well. Read More

  • How to Protect Your Time with the Lord
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Mark 1:21-39

    Are you in the habit of spending time alone with the Lord every day? If not, this is the year to start. Read More

  • Cultivating a Relationship with God
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Mark 1:21-39

    When life is busy, can you really take time to get alone with God each day? Nancy says yes, you can develop that habit. Read More

  • Key to Spiritual Growth
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Mark 1:21-39

    When life is busy, can you really take time to get alone with God each day? Nancy shares some spiritual growth tips that can help you develop the habit. Read More

  • Handling Hardships
    Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 1:9-12

    When you’re in a season of God doing great things through you, be careful. The time right afterward might bring a lot of temptation. Read More

  • Surprised in the Desert
    Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 1:9-12

    When you feel especially close to God--like He’s using you in powerful ways--expect to go through some times that are less emotional and less fulfilling. Read More

  • Valley Reality
    Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 1:9-12

    Regardless of how this person appears, everyone spends time in life’s valleys. Read More

Chapter 4

  • Bigger than the Storm
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 4:39

    I don’t know what you’re going through today, but I know that Jesus knows. And He is bigger than any storm. Why are you so afraid? Read More

Chapter 5

  • His Healing Touch, Part 8
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Where do you turn when a problem just won't go away? Join Nancy DeMoss as she talks about perseverance. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 7
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Bob Lepine and Nancy DeMoss discuss some practical applications from the story, in Mark 5, about the woman who was healed. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 6
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Can we find joy while we're waiting for God's answer? Join Nancy DeMoss as she discusses this question on today's Revive Our Hearts. Read More

  • Forgetting Who You Are, Day 2
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

    It’s so tempting to assume there are “respectable” sins and “really bad sins.” Can we assume the really bad sinners are too far gone? Read More

  • Forgetting Who You Are
    Russell Moore Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

    We often despair because we have forgotten who we are. Learn how to overcome fear and panic with the confidence that only comes from Christ. Read More

  • Engaging the Crowd
    Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: Mark 5:21-34

    Do you ever feel like everybody needs something from you? If so, you’re in good company. Jesus knew what that was like. Read More

  • Forgetting Who You Are, Day 1
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

    When unbelievers interact with those who love Christ, they too often see people with their fists clenched. What are you presenting to the outside world? Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 5
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Jesus Christ can provide more than healing as we'll see on this edition of Revive Our Hearts. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 4
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    A nameless woman in a crowd, but Jesus set her free. Join Nancy today as she talks about the power of God. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 3
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    There is help when we've lost hope. Nancy illuminates the hope we find in Jesus Christ. Read More

  • Episode 6: The Whisper of the Unnamed Woman: Discovering More of Jesus
    Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Mark 5:21-33

    She just wanted a little bit of Jesus. He offered her more than she dared hope for. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 2
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Where do we turn when our situation seems hopeless? Nancy talks about a woman whose circumstances brought her to the brink of despair. Read More

  • His Healing Touch, Part 1
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Mark 5

    Do you struggle with the pain of sorrow, regret or fear? Nancy tells the story today of one woman who reached out to Jesus with her need. Read More

Chapter 6

  • A Working Man: The Earthly Occupation of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, Singleness   Scripture: Mark 6:3

    For years, Jesus spent His time as a tradesman. He was a blue-collar worker. His life shows that hard work can be sanctified when done to God's glory. Read More

  • When Grace Sends You into the Storm
    Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 6:45-52

    When you enter a difficult storm of life that stretches you, do you know what’s happening? It might be that God is showing you His incredible grace. Read More

  • Does Jesus Care?
    Paul David Tripp Topics: Women's Ministry   Scripture: Mark 6:45-52

    If you're going to live a life of faith, you need to be able to answer these two questions: "What is God doing?" and "How in the world should I respond to it?" Read More

Chapter 7

  • Don’t Be a Pharisee
    Dámaris Carbaugh   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Mark 7:6

    We cannot know Christ unless the Spirit illuminates the Living Word. Read More

Chapter 8

  • More Costly Than Surrender
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Mark 8:35

    Do you fear what a lifestyle of full surrender to Christ might cost you? Then consider the cost of holding out on God. Read More

  • Who Do You Say I Am?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 8:27-29

    Some things can be borrowed, but when it comes to what we really believe about Jesus, we must answer for ourselves. We cannot copy and paste our faith. Read More

Chapter 9

  • Are You Settling for Ministry Without Jesus?
    Leslie Bennett   Topics: Women's Ministry   Scripture: Mark 9:17-29

    I’ve met devoted leaders like Ian Thomas who are joyless and discouraged in ministry. Could it be we’re serving and doing the right things—without Jesus? Read More

  • Episode 2: Why Can't I Drive This Out?
    Topics: Church & Worship, Time Management & Health   Scripture: Mark 9:14-29

    Is fasting really necessary? Erin shows from Mark 9 that sometimes God works in amazing ways through fasting with prayer. Read More

  • What Is Greatness?
    Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Mark 9:31-37

    It seems like everyone is concerned about their status, popularity, and influence. Jesus turned the world’s idea of greatness upside down. Read More

  • Only through Prayer and Fasting
    Erin Davis   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Mark 9:29

    A passage of Scripture the Lord has used in my life is in Mark 9, where there’s a heart-sick daddy and a demon-possessed boy. Read More

Chapter 10

  • The Reality of Being a Servant
    Laura Booz   Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Mark 10:45

    My faith isn’t meant to be a cakewalk or for my own pleasure or glory. If it is, it’s not just that I’m missing out on the better way. Read More

  • Are You a Servant?
    Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Mark 10:32-45

    It seems like everyone wants to measure their influence today, but Jesus invites you to embrace a different kind of influence. Read More

  • Honoring the Covenant of Marriage
    Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: Mark 10:2-9

    I will never divorce you. In 2018 that’s a radical statement for a married couple to say to each other . . . but it’s crucial. Read More

  • A Surrendered Servant
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Mark 10:45

    You’re never more like Jesus than when you surrender your own rights and take the role of a servant. Read More

  • A Humble Christmas
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Mark 10:45

    What would Christmas be like if we took the form of a servant, the way Jesus did? Read More

Chapter 12

  • True Love
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 12:30

    True love is sacrifice and service. Real love is shown by obedience. Jesus modeled true love! Read More

  • The Most Important Commandment
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 12:28

    Love God. It sounds like one of the simplest commands possible. Yet you can spend a lifetime learning how to fully live it out. Read More

  • Where True Worship Begins
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Church & Worship   Scripture: Mark 12:30

    True worship begins with brokenness and humility over whatever God reveals to us in His Word. Read More

  • Instinctive Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Mark 12:31

    Jesus taught that it is in losing our lives that we find our lives. Read More

Chapter 13

  • God Is in Control
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 13:14-32

    You can trust God. He is fulfilling His plans and purposes. Read More

  • Who Knows?
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:14-32

    How can we face uncertain circumstances, circumstances that cause fear, anxiety and panic? Nancy teaches us where to look. Read More

  • An Opportunity
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:7-11

    Jesus said, "Don't be alarmed, don't be afraid, don't let your heart be troubled." How can Christians respond without fear in moments of worry. Read More

  • Birth Pangs
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:7-8

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss teaches us how to be secure in an uncertain world climate. Read More

  • Where Do You Go For News?
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13

    How can you be prepared for whatever may come as far as world events or life circumstances? Read More

  • Guaranteed Security
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Mark 13

    What are you trusting in? In today's world, can you truly count on whatever it is you have been leaning on? Read More

  • Dazzled by What We See
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13

    Nancy has been asking the Lord what He would have her share with listeners during this time of apprehension about war. Read More

  • Crumbling World, Unshakable God
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:1-36

    Nancy thinks a good way to describe these days is “turbulent.” She’ll point us to God’s Word to show us that we can actually thrive. Read More

  • Labor Pains and Peace
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:1-36

    If your understanding of what's going on in the world is coming primarily from the news or social media, Nancy says your perspective is skewed. Read More

  • Faith over Fear
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Mark 13:1-36

    When you look around, it’s easy to see how broken our world is. Do you ever feel like panicking? Well, if you’re a follower of Jesus, there’s no need. Read More

Chapter 14

  • He Kept Silent
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Mark 14:61

    The One who spoke the worlds into being by His Word didn’t speak a word to spare His own life. Read More

  • Episode 5: The Lonely Side of Jesus
    Topics: God & Truth, Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Mark 14:1-15:34

    Jesus faced His loneliest moment with you on His mind. Read More

  • Give It Away
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Mark 14:3

    Mary of Bethany loved Jesus deeply. The greatest expression of her love was when she anointed the feet of Jesus with a pound of costly ointment. Read More

Chapter 15