Daily Reflections

True Love

October 4, 2023 Betsy Gómez

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” —Mark 12:30

If we want to consider the love of Christ, we only need to turn to the cross. Christ wasn’t afraid to love His enemies or those who opposed Him. In Him we can see courage combined with love and compassion.

The world tries to sell us a cheap version of love. It tells us that love is synonymous with tolerance, that love is a free pass to illicit sexual relations, that love is only given when it is deserved. But that isn’t love. True love is sacrifice and service. Real love is shown by obedience. Jesus modeled true love!

True love brings order to our lives and destroys the idols of our hearts. It shows us that running to our best friend before God or that constantly needing the approval of other people is idolatry. It reminds us that only God deserves to be loved with all our hearts. True love puts others first and frees you to love others instead of loving yourself.


"Courageous Femininity Shaped by the Character of Christ" (Mujer Verdadera blog at AvivaNuestrosCorazones.com)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you display the true love of Jesus in a culture that’s so opposed to the gospel?