One Thing We’re Loving: Your Mission from God

One Thing We’re Loving: Jess Connolly’s latest book, You Are the Girl for the Job. I’ve recommended this book to so many people. But I won’t lie, it’s not a book I would’ve naturally picked up on my own until I heard Lisa Whittle recommend it on her podcast, Jesus Over Everything. You might think the title sounds like the chapters in this book could be a fluffy self-esteem peptalk. NAH. Jess’ words are rooted in God’s Word, and she’s here to set us on a mission to be women who get going with the love of Jesus in our hearts and the Word flowing from our lips!

Let’s Get Unstuck and Get On-Mission

Okay, I’m going to share some of my struggles; see if you can relate. I get stuck. We’re talking can’t-move, lost-in-my-own-head stuck. I might think I know what God has called me to do, but as soon as I start considering what I should do about that calling, insecurity eats me up and spits me out. I doubt (big time!) that I’m the girl for this job. For any job. I settle for a half-hearted existence where I’m kind-of, sort-of doing something, but I’m definitely not moving forward in confidence in who God is and how He’s gifted me. Are we in the same boat, floating in the same river of not-so-suredness? This is why we need to hear what Jess has to say in this book:

We’ve got work to do, friends. Our world is hurting, our church is suffering, our generations are helpless and harassed and in need of a Savior. God, our Father and Friend, has placed you in this exact slice of time, arranging every relationship, circumstance, strength, weakness, and gift in your life to uniquely equip you to shine His light and build His kingdom. But we have to settle something here and now, before we start looking at the tools He’s placed in our hands. We have to take ourselves out of the running. We’ve got to give up on the pursuit of being the best or even doing it right, because it’s His power and His purpose that were always meant to do the heavy lifting. We’ve got to leave behind this picture of our ideal selves that we hoped we’d eventually become; we’ve got to quit hiding who we are, so we don’t get hurt or hurt anyone else. And in the name of Jesus, we’ve got to quit telling God He’s got the wrong girl because (A) if we don’t acknowledge that He knows better by this point in the game, we’re being crazy, and (B) eventually He may listen to us and use someone else. And then we’ll be the ones missing out. Let’s settle this in our hearts before we move forward: God is God. God is the Hero. We are blessed to be a part of His rescue plan. God is God, but we are the gals He’s ordained to bring light and life to the corner of the world where He has intentionally placed us for mission. (p. 65)

Let’s go! God is the hero. We don’t exist to be the best or create a name for ourselves—we’re here to play a part in His rescue plan, giving Him the glory for it. He does the empowering. He does the way-making. We do the trusting and the going. That removes some pressure, doesn’t it?

  • We don’t have to be perfect.
  • We don’t need a comprehensive, ten-year strategy for accomplishing His mission.
  • We don’t need to wonder if we’ve got what it takes.

But it should also set a fire in our souls:

  • God has gifted me, He has gifted you, and we need to use those gifts!
  • God empowers us—but we need to be willing and obey.
  • There’s work to be done!

I’m here to tell you, along with Jess, that you are the girl for the job. I would highly recommend checking out this book, and I love following Jess on Instagram. Happy reading, friends!

About the Author

Samantha Keller

Samantha Keller loves lazy lake days, strong coffee, and writing about the ways Jesus transforms our everyday messes into beautiful stories. She digs the four seasons in northern Indiana, is probably wearing a Notre Dame crew neck.