Lust Is a Girl Struggle, Too
Lust is a human problem.
Scripture reminds us true beauty comes from a revived heart. While living in a culture full of mixed and misguided signals, may you be most concerned with the beauty that lasts.
Lust is a human problem.
Have your sexual desires ever felt like more of a curse than a blessing?
God chose to use an imperfect woman with a repentant heart to accomplish amazing things. He still does.
A God-honoring marriage, in God’s time, is worth every temporary moment of loneliness.
Boundaries in dating are good, but on their own they're not enough to keep you pure.
"Sometimes I wonder why I even dress modestly . . ."
Here are ten questions to consider as you head into prom season.
Being a pure girl in a wild world isn't easy. Here are eight tips to help you stand for purity.
Is it possible to combine modern fashion with modest clothing?
One of you recently asked, "Is it okay to date just for fun?" In a word—yes. That being said, I think there is a more important question we should be asking.
In celebration of the conclusion of our summer book club, I'm sharing my top two beauty secrets.
In the wake of sexual abuse, Amy wrote these brave words . . . "We (those of us who have experienced severe sexual abuse) had no option to protect our purity."
If you're gonna win in the battle for purity, you'll need some spiritual ammo. Here are six verses you need to have locked and loaded!
Bikinis are the standard when it comes to summer swimwear. But I have to be honest with you, I don't wear one. Here's why.
Protecting a sister's sexual integrity is one of the highest forms of respect that a man can show to a woman.
If you're going to consider a guy worthy of a date, be sure that he knows and loves the Word of God.
When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, many of you feel you've blown it. But there is hope ...
God's standard isn't a long list of do's and don'ts, and it's not as simple as a big black line just before sex.
What messages are you receiving about your own beauty? What you believe will be determined by where you look.
Do your fashion choices matter? Here's a guy's perspective on the topic . . .
Playing the comparison game is a dangerous trap, one that has been carefully set by our enemy.
You weren't born yesterday, so you can handle this . . . you weren't born pure. You were innocent when you were born, but Scripture says you were born sinful.
God's grace is sufficient for you. Grab on to that truth, and hold on for dear life!
Have you ever thought purity would be a lot easier to attain if the Bible clearly said, "Here is exactly how far you can go physically and remain pure"?
When it comes to God's view of sex, many people, including Christians, have mistaken God's serious approach to the subject.
Compare the world’s philosophy with God’s to discover who and what you’re believing about your worth, purpose, and beauty.
Truths that impact your wardrobe: ownership (my body belongs to God), lordship (Jesus is Lord over all), and citizenship (I belong to a different Kingdom).
How can I know what’s "modest"? "What do you think about bathing suits?" Read Nancy’s answers to these questions and more.
Our world tells us that physical beauty is what matters most. What does God say?
Here are some practical ways to maintain sexual purity.