January 5, 2005
Resources by Topic Revival
If you are tired of trying to be a “good Christian,” if you are overloaded and worn out with church activities, or if you experience heaviness and shame more than joy and freedom, then you’re ready to experience personal revival. These resources will teach you more about what it means to be revived.
January 4, 2005
A Complete Takeover
January 3, 2005
Rend the Heavens
November 19, 2004
The Church Found Her Song
November 18, 2004
The Churches Were Packed
November 17, 2004
The Break Came
November 16, 2004
The Calling of Evan Roberts
November 15, 2004
The Profession of Florie Evans
October 7, 2004
Starting the Journey
September 4, 2001
Getting to Know Nancy, Part 2
Living the Surrendered Life
Nancy walks line by line through the hymn, "Take My Life." Personalize this wonderful text as your prayer to be fully consecrated to Christ.
Preparing for Revival
These questions have been designed to help you evaluate whether or not you are meeting God’s conditions for revival.
Begin at My Sanctuary
We would all be quick to agree about the need for repentance outside the walls of our churches. But are we as quick to recognize our own need to repent?
When Do We Need Revival?
We need a fresh visitation of the Spirit in revival when these fifty evidences characterize our life.
A Leader’s Preparation for Revival
These questions have been designed to help us evaluate whether or not we are meeting God’s conditions for revival.
Brokenness: The Heart God Revives
Nancy contrasts characteristics of proud, unbroken people who are resistant to the call of God on their lives with the qualities of revived, humble people.
41 Evidences Of Pride
These questions will help you determine whether or not you are a proud person.
Choosing Brokenness
The single greatest hindrance to experiencing personal revival is our unwillingness to humble ourselves.
Are You Ready for Company?
A commitment to holiness means having a life that is always “ready for company” and open for inspection. Are you ready?
Is This Revival? An Appeal for Discernment
The evangelical world boasts some of the largest and most "successful" programs and undertakings in the history of the church.
40 Evidences That You May Have Left Your …
Evaluate what you really love with the help of these 40 evidences.
Curbing the Craving for Praise
Die to pride and self, and experience the resurrection life of the Lord Jesus!
The Way Up Is Down
God's richest blessings come only through brokenness.
Nothing Between
We must continually be alert to anything that might come between our soul and the Savior.
A Cry for Revival (Isaiah 63–64)
June 27, 2016
A Quiet Prayer Warrior
June 12, 2017
Chapter 10: Sexual Purity: The Joy of Moral Freedom
July 18, 2023
Chapter 11: The Spirit-Filled Life: God's Power in You
July 18, 2023
Chapter 1: Revival: Who Needs It?
July 18, 2023