January 10, 2002
True wisdom finds its rest in God and His instruction to us through His Word. Let these tools grow your delight in God’s Word.
January 10, 2002
January 9, 2002
January 8, 2002
January 7, 2002
God has given us everything we need in order to know His names and to trust in what they tell us about Him.
Many women feel powerless to change their lukewarm love toward the Bible. Let’s help them learn to treasure it.
Are you paying attention to what matters the most?
Imagine the ripple effect of women becoming disciples who make disciples who make disciples!
Unmotivated to open your Bible? Try this!
Three ways teachers can be shaped for greater use in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
Discover three questions that can add richness to your Bible study.
Does Christianity feel wearisome and Bible study boring?
Is the tyranny of the urgent drowning out your heart’s cry for deeper intimacy with Christ? Try these practical tips.
What to do if you're just not feeling your daily Bible reading.
There is no checklist to help us navigate busy seasons of ministry perfectly, but there is a lifeline we can hold on to—the Word of God.
What you do today impacts the rest of your life.
To be set free by truth, we need to learn how to identify the lies.
Learning the secrets of handling God’s Word rightly.
Why we need to read the whole Bible.
Escapism fails us every time. There’s a better way to cope.
Distractions had stolen my attention yet again. Day after day, these little distractions were slowly robbing me of my time with God.
When the women in our churches forget the gospel, they’re more likely to be carried along and tossed about by the world’s ever-changing ideas.
Desperate beliefs call for desperate measures.
Are you putting your hope in these promises God never made?
Trace God’s faithfulness with a few strokes of your pen.
Memorization isn’t something that’s only for “honors class” Christians.
It’s easy to live on autopilot—to be apathetic toward the Word of God. But cultivating a thriving relationship with Christ is so worth the work.
Want to know what it really looks like to pursue God? We've got the hands-down, number-one answer.
Do you flip open your Algebra textbook randomly and hope to become a math genius? Probably not. That approach doesn't work with God's Word either.
Want a vibrant faith? You need the right nourishment.