
247 Results

Message 8: The Truth About Children | True Woman '18 | Events

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It’s easy to assume raising children is all about you as a parent. Robyn McKelvy suggests that God has a plan for parents and children that goes beyond you.

The ABCs of True Womanhood | True Woman '12 | Events

What is true womanhood? Why does it matter? And how should you respond? Determining the answers to these questions will impact the way you live.

Does Jesus Care? | Revive '13 | Events

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If you're going to live a life of faith, you need to be able to answer these two questions: "What is God doing?" and "How in the world should I respond to it?"

Unleashing the Power of Prayer | True Woman '22 | Events

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Learn how to lead dynamic prayer gatherings that help women cry out to God for revival.

What Children Need to Become Pure, Holy Adults: Six Strategies to Live Above the Culture | True Woman '12 | Events

Dannah will share practical advice that any mom can use to guide her children to become wise and godly, through the gospel and the Spirit of God.

Women Helping Women In the Church | Revive '13 | Events

Susan has decades of experience in local church women's ministry. She will address a variety of issues from what a culture of caring in the church looks like.

Mary's Secret to Embracing Life-Shaking Circumstances | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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Have you ever wondered what enabled Mary to respond to the angel Gabriel’s life-changing news with such humility, submissiveness, and obedience?