Open Heart, Open Home: Hospitality and the Gospel

Open Heart, Open Home: Hospitality and the Gospel

Can you change the world by opening your home? Consider the current cultural battles that are leading to isolation then open your Bible to see how God defines true hospitality. Receive practical insight into how to apply what you learn in your everyday life and catch a vision for what a difference hospitality can make.

Running Time: 61 minutes


Amanda Kassian: Well, I am so privileged to be here, to be a part of True Woman. I came to True Woman when I first got married to Matt Kassian, Mary’s second son. I was here in 2014 and 2016 as an attendee just tagging along with Mary, and now I am here speaking. This is really exciting and such privilege! I am so glad that I get to be here to multiply God’s truth and God’s kingdom.

And so, thank you guys for coming. I am excited to talk about this topic of hospitality. This is probably my number one passion. Any time I do any spiritual gift-type test, #1 is hospitality, #2 is teaching. So I get to teach on something that I am very passionate about. 

I just want to say, too, that Nancy had asked us to kind of chat a little bit about “Heaven rules,” …

About the Speaker

Amanda Kassian

Amanda Kassian

Amanda Kassian serves as the Founder and Director of Seen Ministry in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  She has organized and led Bible Studies in the home, church, and parachurch contexts. Her passion is for women to know the Word and for the Word to set them free. When she is not writing or leading Bible studies, Amanda enjoys coffee, visiting with close girlfriends, and a good pizza!