Daily Reflections

The Hammer

November 4, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. — Psalm 51:17

Whether you’re building a house or planting a garden, it’s not easy to break through hard ground. It’s even more difficult to break through a hard heart.

But the Word of God has the power to soften the hardened soil of our hearts and shatter our stubborn self-life. God says, “Is not my word . . . like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jer. 23:29). The psalmist stood in awe of the power of His Word: “The voice of the Lord is powerful . . . The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars” (Ps. 29:4–5).

Each time we open God’s Word, whether in private or public settings, it should be with the intent of allowing the Word to break us. The same Word that serves as a hammer to break us will then become a balm to heal our hearts and a light to guide our footsteps in the pathway of humility.

Have you let the Word of God soften your heart today?

Make it Personal

How has God used His Word as an instrument to help bring about greater brokenness in your life? What were the results?