Daily Reflections

Daily Nourishment

January 19, 2023 Laura Gonzalez de Chavez

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. —Psalm 19:7 ESV

If we don’t feed our bodies good food every day, we’ll end up in poor health. The same thing happens with our souls. Without daily spiritual nourishment, we won’t be able to grow and mature in our faith.

We need God’s Word because . . .

The Bible is God’s truth (John 17:17). It will teach you about God, man, sin, salvation, the power of the Holy Spirit, your life as a believer, etc. God speaks to you through His Word; He reveals to you His will and His wisdom.

The Word gives you life. The Word has power to give abundant and eternal life. “Anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life” (John 5:24).

The Word reveals the intentions of your heart. The Bible isn’t simply a book of “positive promises” that we read when we want to be stimulated. It is “living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12). It has power to condemn or save, to confront and judge the intentions of the heart.

Make it Personal

How has daily spiritual nourishment helped you to grow in your faith?