Daily Reflections

You Can Do It!

January 20, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you. —Psalm 119:11

When I talk with someone who’s discouraged or depressed, I often ask, “Are you memorizing Scripture?” It’s not a magic formula that will make problems go away but memorizing God’s Word has power to change our perspective.

“But I can’t memorize,” some say. The issue isn’t so much our ability to memorize as our motivation. We can and do memorize all the time. We memorize people’s names, commercials, directions to places, and phone numbers. How? We remember information that’s important to us or that we frequently use or repeat. Scripture memorization is no different. It requires motivation and regular, systematic review.

If you’ve never memorized Scripture, I suggest starting small and learn just a couple of verses a week. You may want to write out the verses on a card to keep with you and review several times a day.

As you spend time learning and meditating on God’s Word, you’ll find it will start to influence all your thinking—and ultimately draw you into a more intimate relationship with Him.

Make it Personal

How has memorizing Scripture in the past benefited you?