Leslie Bennett

Host & Director of Women’s Ministry Initiatives , <em>Revive Our Hearts</em>

Resources by Leslie Bennett

10 Truths to Set Leaders Free

The lies women's ministry leaders come up against are potent and deadly no matter what our leadership role is. We need to speak the …

3 Skills Bible Teachers Must Teach

The modern church cannot afford for its women to be biblically illiterate. As we go into the dawn of post-Christian America, we must treasure …

Four Lies Leaders Believe

When leaders slip and trip over lies, there are debilitating consequences for the ministries and women we serve.

How to Bust Small Group Busters

Small group busters often arise when expectations aren't clearly established from the get-go, or when a healthy group cruises on auto-pilot, and bad habits …

Insider Tips on Speaking

Here are some speaker insider tips so we can be better equipped in proclaiming gospel truth for the glory of Christ.