
Erin Davis: Hey Dree, do you like puzzles?

Dree Hogue: I do. My family currently has a Christmas puzzle on our table that is way above our difficulty level. But we’re going through it anyway and enjoying every moment, even though we are all so frustrated by it.

Yes, we do puzzles all the time.

Erin: Dree, when you said “Christmas puzzle,” I thought people are not going to know that the Hogues are as serious about Christmas as anybody I’ve ever met. 

You guys could be doing Christmas puzzles in July. You do them all the time, year round.

Dree: We persevere. There’s always the one more piece, “Let’s get one more piece before we get up.”

Erin: I love puzzles. My granny loved puzzles. She had a card table set up in the corner of their family room, and whenever we would go to visit there was always a puzzle in process.

It might have been a watercolor scene of Paris or an underwater sea reef. But there was always one in process. She was very meticulous. She would always start with the edges, which I think is the only way to go.

Then she would patiently fill it in until the whole thing was complete. So I have a nostalgic attachment to puzzles. 

Dree: Do you still like to put them together?

Erin: I like the idea of puzzles, but I can find them tedious. We just rented a big house with some friends, and one of …