4 Checkpoints for Wisely Helping Hurting Women
Burden-bearing is Christ pouring His life through us to someone broken and bruised by the Fall.
Revive Our Hearts desires to be a resource for you as you seek to impact the women in your life for the kingdom. Find tools you can use for small group studies, discipleship, and women’s ministry in the local church.
Burden-bearing is Christ pouring His life through us to someone broken and bruised by the Fall.
Follow these five steps to establish a mentoring culture.
Authenticity is an opportunity to point young women to Jesus.
What if prayer became the hallmark of our ministries?
How can we replace jealousy, rivalry, and pride with community?
You don't always need new prayer meeting topics in order to have vibrant group prayer. Breathe life into small group prayer with these new format ideas.
A successful ministry is not about numbers; it’s about changed lives. And God changes lives through prayer.
As we lead, may we lead in repentance.
Every single story has worth and can be used by God. Is your ministry a safe place for women to share their stories?
When a new ministry year rolls around, the best way to start is on our knees.
Ready for fall ministry? Here’s the final survival tool you need . . .
When leaders elevate ministry to idol status, we find more satisfaction in our work than in Christ’s work.
When criticism is hurled at you, remember you’re in company with Jesus, who endured criticism for our sake.
To influence controlling women, start by surrendering your own burden of control.
With God’s help, we can have victory in the dance between ministry inside the home and ministry outside the home.
God uses the weak, insufficient, and incapable and makes them strong so all the glory belongs to Him.
What if things could be different? What if instead of prayer being a peripheral part of your ministry and calling, it became central to the work?
We were made to be spent for the glory of God and for the good of others.
Just in time . . . pack your ministry tool belt with eight survival tools from eight women’s leaders!
Are you searching for an impactful women’s event with mission and purpose?
We pastors’ wives will struggle when we run too much in our husbands’ lane.
Discord between leaders can cause strife and division in the body and seriously damage a ministry.
As women’s ministry leaders, we are first responders.
Are you ready to lead? You can trust God to fully equip you for His work.
As we serve women in the digital universe, let’s each guard our heart with vigilance, “for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23).
Discover practical strategies and biblical wisdom to navigate leading in a season of isolation or loneliness and find hope, connection, and strength in Christ.
If God has given you a picture of how to impact others, you are a visionary.
When we see God moving in another church or ministry in ways we long to see Him move in ours, it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap.
What if we thought of leadership not as having a seat at the table but as serving the table?
Sure, all Christians need discipleship. But how does the pastor’s wife fit in?