How to Show Crazy Love
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time!
Join True Girl founder Dannah Gresh and her co-host Staci Rudolph as they hit the highway for the ultimate road trip. And . . . Staci’s in charge of the playlist! Jump in the True Girl tour bus [bus horn], and let’s get down to the beats. These songs are based on biblical truth!
We’re gonna continue to learn about being crazy for Jesus!
It’s time for episode 2 which we’re calling “How to Show Crazy Love.” Here’s Staci!
Staci Rudolph: (yawn and mumbling) Could you pass me a bagel?
Dannah Gresh: Oh Staci, It’s too early in the morning. Girl, I have no idea what you just said.
Staci: Sorry. Could you pass me a bagel?
Dannah: Oh, of course.
Staci: Thanks. Bagels …
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one track at a time!
Join True Girl founder Dannah Gresh and her co-host Staci Rudolph as they hit the highway for the ultimate road trip. And . . . Staci’s in charge of the playlist! Jump in the True Girl tour bus [bus horn], and let’s get down to the beats. These songs are based on biblical truth!
We’re gonna continue to learn about being crazy for Jesus!
It’s time for episode 2 which we’re calling “How to Show Crazy Love.” Here’s Staci!
Staci Rudolph: (yawn and mumbling) Could you pass me a bagel?
Dannah Gresh: Oh Staci, It’s too early in the morning. Girl, I have no idea what you just said.
Staci: Sorry. Could you pass me a bagel?
Dannah: Oh, of course.
Staci: Thanks. Bagels are such a staple on the bus. Every True Girl tour team I’ve been a part of has been a bit bagel obsessed.
Dannah: Obsessed is right. I’ve noticed that too—blueberry bagels, chocolate chip bagels, pumpkin spiced latte bagels, all the bagels.
Staci: Man, I slept like a baby. I’m telling you, sleeping on the bus does me swell.
Dannah: Oh really? Not me. I mean the word “sleep” we can definitely use it loosely for me on the bus. It gets better the longer I’m on but the first few nights are tough. It takes me some time to adjust to the motion.
Staci: I get that. Hey, have you seen the cream cheese?
Dannah: Uhhh, you mean the cream cheese in the plastic container?
Staci: Yes.
Dannah: That was on the second shelf in the fridge?
Staci: Yes.
Dannah: It was right behind the orange juice?
Staci: Yes! Why are you being so weird about the cream cheese? Where is it now!
Dannah: In my tummy! I ate the last of it. There, I admit it. I’m sorry.
Staci: Chill out. It’s fine. No big deal at all.
Dannah: Are you sure?
Staci: Yeah, it’s absolutely fine. I’ll just go with peanut butter . . . unless ya ate that too! Hey, want some tunes while we eat?
Dannah: Oh, yeah! You gonna play a song from the new True GirlCrazy for Jesus album?
Staci: You know it! I’m thinkiiiinnnggg, “Love Like Crazy!” Check it out!
Song: "Love Like Crazy"
It's a desert out there.
People running scared,
Looking everywhere for hope.
We are meant to burn bright.Be a light,
Illuminate the night sky,
Hey, hey, hey.
We gotta be the spark,
Show the world who we are,
And love like crazy.We gotta follow to lead.
Take a stand on our knees,
And love like crazy.We're gonna let it shine.
We wanna live like Christ.
We gotta be the spark,
Show the world who we are,
And love like crazy.There's not a second to waste,
Way too much at stake.
We're gonna wreck this place with love,
With lo-ove.1
Dannah: Talk about a jam! Or a Bop! That’s what you called a good song?
Staci: Yep! You’re picking up the lingo.
You know, that song reminds me of how important it is to love . . . especially as followers of Jesus. The world is watching to see how we show His love. They’re watching how we treat one another, like John 13:34 and 35 says. Hey, is that your Bible?
Dannah: Yep
Staci: Mind if I see it really fast?
Dannah: Nope. Go ahead
Staci: Thanks! Okay, here we go! John 13:34–35:
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
See, the world takes notice of the way we love. They’re watching!
Dannah: They sure are. And the world is so thirsty for love. And you know what that really means?
Staci: What?
Dannah: It means they’re thirsty for God, because God is love! God created us to love Him and to be loved by Him. When people don’t know God, they search everywhere trying to find love to fill the God-sized space within them, designed specifically for Him and His love.
Staci: Good point! I’ve got to admit though, it’s easy to say we need to show love, but it can be kind of hard to think of practical ways to do that. What are some of the ways you show love to people?
Dannah: Well, for starters, not eating the last of the cream cheese is definitely a way to show love.
Staci: Would you stop? It’s really no big deal.
Dannah: Okay, okay. But seriously, one of the ways I show God’s love to others is by serving them. Like our lead teacher Shani had to do a road trip and everyone was pulling out on her, so I stepped up. We had a great time! Or, I guess I serve my family by cooking yummy food. They like that—especially my apple pies! I do have to admit my apple pies are fine. I think when we see someone’s need, we can serve them, and that shows love.
Staci: Okay, those are great.
Dannah: What about you, Staci?
Staci: Hmmm, I show love by taking time to listen to people and their stories. People want to be heard ya know? It makes them feel seen, which I think makes them feel loved.
Dannah: I could not agree more. That’s a great way to love.
And you know, loving others well shows them Jesus. It’s a taste of what He’s like. The Bible calls us to be the light for Christ. To shine in a dark world and point people to Him. Hey, Staci, go ahead and turn to Matthew 5:14 for me please. Read it when you get there.
Staci: Okay. Here we go.
You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.
Dannah: See, that light on the hilltop is like a guiding light. When we show love, we shine really bright and guide people to Jesus. We introduce them to the hope we have in Christ.
Staci: I love that! You know another way we show others love?
Dannah: How?
Staci: By praying for them! I loved the line in that song that says, “Take a stand on our knees.” Praying for others shows that we care about them and whatever they’re going through. It’s also a cool thing to be able to tell someone that you’re praying for them. It shows how much they mean to you.
Dannah: Amen. You know what that makes me want to do right now, Staci?
Staci: What?
Dannah: That makes me want to pray for our True Girl friends right now.
Lord Jesus, I love the girl and the mom listening right now. I know that You love them. Father, I pray that You would fill them with so much of Your love that it just flows out on each other and other people. And Lord, the only way we can get filled up with Your love is by spending time with You.
So, I pray that You would give this mom and this daughter a love for spending time with You, reading their Bibles, and talking to You in prayer. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
Staci: Amen!
Well, nothing to do now but get to it! Let’s be intentional about loving others and showing them Jesus. There’s no time to waste. In fact, ”Hey, Dave, I just saw a sign for a grocery store. Let’s stop! I need some cream cheese.”
Claire: I loved that episode! The song was amazing too! What a great reminder that we can show others Jesus through our love. I can’t wait to think of cool ways to show Him to those around me.
Hey, what do you think of the new songs? If you’re enjoying them, you’ll want to get the True GirlCrazy for Jesus album. It includes all the True Girl songs you’ll hear in this season, and we hope it does make you crazy for Jesus. Go to MyTrueGirl.com to learn more. When you order your copy, we’ll ship you a CD with lyrics. That way you can look up the Bible verses and meditate on the truth the song is based on.
There are lots of other great things there at our website. There’s our best-selling Bible study, Lies Girls Believe, and the True Girl coloring book. Each page lets you meditate on Scripture while you color. Find those at MyTrueGirl.com.
I hope you’ll come back for the next episode, where we’ll embrace our royal side. Yep, you heard me! We’re going to explore what God says about our position in the Kingdom of God.
The True Girl podcast is produced by Revive Our Hearts, calling women of all ages to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ!
1“Love Like Crazy” lyrics by Kipp Williams, Joshua David Silverberg, and Keith Everette Smith. Reproduced by David Thulin for True Girl, and used by permission from Sony.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.