The First Journal
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: The Old Testament tells us about Joshua’s first battle as the leader of Israel. Moses was watching from a mountain, and when he held up his staff, the Israelites would start winning. When he lowered his staff, they’d fall back. It was a picture of Joshua’s need for God.
After the Israelites won, God said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered.” This may be the first instance of what’s known today as “journaling.” I think God wanted to be sure that Joshua had a record of this first battle—a reminder of the true Source of his power.
You know, I’ve found it helpful to keep a record of significant milestones in my own walk with God. My past journals remind me of God’s faithfulness and my need for Him. So the next time God brings you through a battle, why not keep a written record of it? It will help you remember your Source of power.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.