The First Hour
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: How do you spend the first hour of your day?
Woman: Well, after I hit the snooze alarm, about three times, I’m usually rushing around the house getting the kids ready, getting breakfast done. I check the weather, and then we’re out the door!
Nancy: Psalm 5 says, “In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (v. 3).
My dad really modeled that verse for me. Early in his Christian life he was challenged to spend the first hour of his day in the Word of God and in prayer. And he did. Even though he was a businessman with a hectic schedule, he never missed one single day until the day he went home to be with the Lord, twenty-eight years later. The image of my dad on his knees has had a profound impact on my walk with the Lord.
What kind of example are you setting for those around you? If your relationship with God is your highest priority, are you showing it in the way you spend your time?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.