Third Street
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: I once heard the story of a church deacon who lived in a small town and for years had refused to drive down Third Street. He was angry with a man who lived on that street because of a church split that had happened ten years earlier.
Then God visited this deacon’s church in revival. As God moved, the leadership realized they had not handled things correctly during the split. So a group of about forty people from the mother church visited those who had broken away. They humbled themselves and said, “We've sinned against you. Will you please forgive us?”
Do you know the first place that deacon went right after God set him free from those years of bitterness? Third Street.
Is there someone you refuse to talk with because of some issue in the past? Do what this man did: Humble yourself, and seek forgiveness for your part. It’s the way to true freedom.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.