Meeting the President
Woman: Okay, time to read my Bible again. I hope I can concentrate better today than yesterday! ‘Finally my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble . . .’
Telephone rings
Uhhh. Not again. Hello? Oh hi, Emily. No, I wasn’t doing anything that important.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: I’m a pretty distractible person myself, and I find that I especially get distracted when I sit down to read my Bible. But I’ve learned something important—I don’t have to answer every phone call.
Years ago, I had the honor of meeting President Ronald Reagan. Because I respected him and his position, I wouldn’t have considered taking a phone call while we were meeting. Why should my time with the King of kings be any different?
God is far more important and far more powerful than any president or dignitary. And He wants to have an appointment with you! Why don’t you spend some uninterrupted time today in His Word and in prayer?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.