Seeking Him Podcast

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Woman: Why does the pastor use big words I don’t understand? He kept talking about being 'contrite.'

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: What does it mean to be contrite? We have a great picture in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself.

First, though, consider Isaiah 57, where God says, “I dwell . . . with him who has a contrite and humble spirit” (v. 15). That word "contrite" means "to be crushed or broken in pieces.”

Just a few chapters earlier, Isaiah uses a variation on that same word when he prophesies about Jesus. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised [or crushed—that’s the word contrite] for our iniquities” (53:5).

Jesus was contrite—crushed at the cross—so that resurrection life could be released through Him to others. God says He will draw near to us when we have a broken, contrite heart, like that of Jesus.

With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

About the Teacher

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …