Gender & Sexuality:
Clarity in an Age of Confusion
How did we get here? As thousands of women streamed into the Sagamore Ballroom for the True Woman '22 preconference last fall, their craving for answers was palpable.
This was no one-size-fits-all audience. From white-headed grandmas to young moms with strollers, women from varied churches and regions with a variety of experiences sat with their Bibles open and pens poised to write down any nuggets of truth that could help them make sense of how to respond to the culture’s boldfaced rejection of God’s plan.
They represent so many Christians— people like you—who aren’t interested in winning a culture war but in understanding God’s truth. These were:
Grandmothers suddenly faced with the
their grandchild by a new name and pronoun or face total exclusion from their lives. -
Mothers who have been forced to navigate the harmful effects of pornography in the hearts of their young children.
Women who question God’s …
How did we get here? As thousands of women streamed into the Sagamore Ballroom for the True Woman '22 preconference last fall, their craving for answers was palpable.
This was no one-size-fits-all audience. From white-headed grandmas to young moms with strollers, women from varied churches and regions with a variety of experiences sat with their Bibles open and pens poised to write down any nuggets of truth that could help them make sense of how to respond to the culture’s boldfaced rejection of God’s plan.
They represent so many Christians— people like you—who aren’t interested in winning a culture war but in understanding God’s truth. These were:
Grandmothers suddenly faced with the
their grandchild by a new name and pronoun or face total exclusion from their lives. -
Mothers who have been forced to navigate the harmful effects of pornography in the hearts of their young children.
Women who question God’s design for their own gender and wonder how they can ever tell someone at church that they secretly feel that God made a mistake by making them female.
- Teachers who are being forced to affirm the lie of transgender identity or leave students they love.
These aren’t headlines, they are image bearers of God struggling to make sense of His plan in a world that has lost its sexual moorings.
“Our view of sex begins with our view of God,” was Dr. Juli Slattery’s countercultural proclamation from the preconference stage. Juli is the founder of Authentic Intimacy and has dedicated many years to reclaiming God’s design for sexuality. She says that the answer to the sexual revolution unfolding in our day is revival, a message that Revive Our Hearts has been honored to proclaim for more than twenty years.
At Revive Our Hearts, we do not test the cultural winds nor do we respond reactively to a world running away from God. This month, as the rainbow “pride” flag flies as a symbol of distorted sexuality, we continue to wave the white flag of surrender to God’s plan and His good design. Now and always, we stand with courage and conviction on the bedrock truth that Heaven rules as we call women to experience the fullness of knowing Jesus and living fruitful lives for His glory.
The answer to “How did we get here?” can be found in the Garden of Eden. Still, we are not doomed to sexual bondage. In an age of confusion we will continue to point women to the clear and timeless truth of God’s Word so that through their lives they can declare, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16).