Newsletter | June 2023

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ

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Gender & Sexuality:

Clarity in an Age of Confusion

How did we get here? As thousands of women streamed into the Sagamore Ballroom for the True Woman '22  preconference last fall, their craving for answers was palpable. 

This was no one-size-fits-all audience. From white-headed grandmas to young moms with strollers, women from varied churches and regions with a variety of experiences sat with their Bibles open and pens poised to write down any nuggets of truth that could help them make sense of how to respond to the culture’s boldfaced rejection of God’s plan. 

They represent so many Christians— people like you—who aren’t interested in winning a culture war but in understanding God’s truth. These were:

  • Grandmothers suddenly faced with the
    their grandchild by a new name and pronoun or face total exclusion from their lives.

  • Mothers who have been forced to navigate the harmful effects of pornography in the hearts of their young children.

  • Women who question God’s …

When Surrender Goes Viral

On a Sunday morning you sit beside a friend and ask about her granchildren. She shares some high-lights: a new job, a recent engagement, and graduation with honors. Then a couple comes forward to dedicate their newborn to the Lord.  

You remember what it was like when your children still fit in your arms. But that was before rebellion, before addiction, and before your child cut you out of his life. As your pastor prays for the young family, you bow your head and silently cry out to the Lord for the lost child you will never stop loving.

What does it look like for a mother to release her children to the Lord when they are five, twenty-five, or fifty-five? How does a mom surrender her kids to Christ once they’re old enough to make their own choices—those that break her heart?

Nancy addressed those questions in …

Hope for the Parents of Prodigals

Fear. Anger. Shame. Regret. Worry. No one knows what it feels like to love a prodigal like a parent who has journeyed alongside one herself. Meet two mothers who have walked this road before and found God to be faithful every step of the way.  

Francine Perry

For nine years, Francine’s daughter embraced a transgender lifestyle. During those years, Francine wrestled with guilt and countless questions. In the podcast
episode “A Mother’s Absolute Surrender,” she shares how the Lord broke her until the only place she could turn was to Him.

Angela Yuan

Angela was not a Christian when her son began pursuing a homosexual lifestyle, and her despair led her to consider taking her own life. Hear what happened when she encountered the hope of Christ while on a train ride in the program “Loving a Prodigal.”

Gospel Fruit Underground

Two sisters are busy selling fruit out of their small shop. Behing the counter sits a black box. From it, a clear voice teaches from God's Word. Customers take notice. They start coming to the shop for more than produce. Eager to hear more of the voices streaming from the speaker, they return day after day as God's truth begins to take root and produce lasting fruit in their hearts and lives.

This is a snapshot of how God is working through Revive Our Hearts in one of the most closed countries in the world. A year ago, our ministry began a partnership with leaders in this country that is so marked by hostility toward the gospel, it cannot be named publicly. All Christian work in this area is underground. Since then, translators have produced 272 of Nancy’s half-hour teaching podcasts and sixty-four of Nancy’s teaching videos in the nation’s …