True Girl on the Road Again!

Nearly a quarter of church-going girls don’t understand what it means to be a Christian. They believe they’re a Christian because their parents are or because they go to church. It became a burden of mine to facilitate a conversation between moms and daughters to clarify the truth that we must each confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord! So, we present the gospel each night and then invite moms and daughters to talk. Moms know best where their daughters are in their spiritual maturing, so we put them in the driver’s seat of this important conversation. Our audacious goal is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to one million moms and daughters by the year 2027. We’re up to just over 600,000 and counting! —Dannah Gresh

Pray that the Lord will:

  • Give Dannah and the True Girl staff wisdom as they are currently auditioning and interviewing for their 2024–2025 tour team.
  • Give moms and daughters sensitivity to His leading as they hear the gospel message.
  • Use these events to draw moms and daughters closer to one another—and ultimately closer to Him.
  • Allow the team to meet their goal of presenting the gospel to one million moms and daughters by 2027.