We Love Our Partners!

Each year we set aside the month of March to celebrate our Revive Partners. This special group of ministry friends give faithfully month after month, and they’re some of our most fervent prayer warriors.

  • From January through November, Revive Partner gifts account for about sixty-seven percent of our monthly budget.
  • When it comes to year-end giving in the month of December, Revive Partners give even more! In total, Revive Partners gave eighty-three percent of our budget last year.
  • The regular infusion of partner support frees us to teach the whole counsel of God—like Nancy’s current extended series “Incomparable”—rather than focusing solely on popular topics and promotions that will entice one-time donors. In short, Revive Partners, we love you with our whole hearts! 
  • One more number we love: out of our small staff of seventy-four, twenty-four are Revive Partners themselves. They believe in our mission so deeply that they want to give back a portion of their hard-earned paycheck to support the work of helping women thrive in Christ.

If you’re a part of this beloved group of Revive Partners, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’re looking for more friends to join this special team. Learn more about Revive Partner benefits and how you can help call women to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ by visiting ReviveOurHearts.com/Partner.