Newsletter | December 2020

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ

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Letter from Nancy

Dear Friend,

When my husband, Robert, and I wrote You Can Trust God to Write Your Story in 2019, we could not have envisioned what 2020 would look like. We could not have imagined that our world would be reeling from a pandemic, economic freefall, extreme political polarization, and intense racial tensions . . . and, at a more personal level, that we would be dealing with Robert’s cancer.

Trusting God isn’t just a nebulous theological concept to us; it’s something we’re needing to walk in every day.

Even as the earth seems to be shaking beneath us in this season, we keep reminding ourselves of this one, unshakable, unchang- ing reality:

Heaven rules!

This confidence is a life preserver; it steadies our hearts when fear and uncertainty threaten to overwhelm us. The assurance that “heaven rules” is how it can be said of women of God:

Strength and dignity …

Unshaken: Seeds of Hope Scattered Throughout Europe

United, a Band of Fifteen Pushes Forward in Italy

“I have a deep desire to call women to freedom, fullness, and fruitful- ness in Christ in this country,” says Dorcas Hortado. “I want to be a channel of His grace.” Born in Bolivia, Dorcas has lived in Italy for more than twelve years.

Though the virus devastated her country, Dorcas found comfort as God used His people. “In the beginning,” she says, “everything was completely devastated. There was mourning everywhere: pain, fear, anxiety, much regret.” Then she noticed something special in the children. “They began to spread a precious message, andra tutto bene (all will be fine). During this time, the Church kept praying and asking for mercy.”

Dorcas reports that the lockdown has blossomed into an im- portant and special time for the Donna Vera (True Woman) group in Italy: “We were constantly praying, organized in small …

An Unshakable Leader

Women’s ministry leaders around the world are answering God’s call to sacrificial recent months, the island has suffered multiple earthquakes and now leadership. For Denisse Cabrera, it meant canceling her plans to attend Mujer Verdadera '20 in Monterrey, Mexico, with her teenage daughter.

The Lord asked her to remain by her husband’s side—he’s a pastor and director of a church planting network in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Felix Cabrera was adapting overnight to new methods of ministry in the coronavirus pandemic—and she was needed there. Denisse recognized that her disappointing loss was insignificant compared to a divine opportunity to live out what she’s learned from Aviva Nuestros Corazones and now teaches to other women.

When the women of Denisse’s church, Iglesia Bautista Ciudad de Dios, turned to Denisse for counsel, she lost no time setting up virtual disci- pleship, prayer meetings, and a Bible study even though she describes herself …

Recommissioned and Ready to Go!

Over 400 women’s leaders attended the Revive Our Hearts recommissioned webinar on June 9th to gain a fresh wind and renewed passion for ministry. It was a watershed moment for battle-weary women who have stepped up to lead during this time of crisis.

Ministry leaders Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Susan Hunt took time to recognize the steadfast commitment of the leaders attending and to thank them for persevering in this critical hour. Revive Our Hearts team members Leslie Bennett and Erin Davis also opened their Bibles and invited those listening to be refreshed by God’s Word.

Many women who attended the webinar admitted to feeling depleted, lonely, and overwhelmed—like Cheryl:

The webinar was just what I needed. Ministry has been hard these last few months and I didn’t realize how empty I was until Jesus filled me up tonight. Thank you for being used by Him to serve others. The …

Unshaken: Global Ambassadors Go Virtual

In a setting vastly different from any year before, the Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors met online for their yearly summit, May 12–14. Transferring to a virtual environment proved to be an adjustment, but for the first time, every ambassador from all over the world was able to take part. One ambassador reflected on the experience:

As this pandemic began, I found myself feeling a bit excited about “sheltering in place.” I realized that I was looking for- ward to a slower pace and a stepping back from the busyness of life and ministry. As the pandemic continued, I realized I was slipping into deep loneliness. I had anticipated Summit 2020 and being with all of my Ambassador sisters. Seeing them and spending time with them was what I needed. But . . . the pandemic. Summit was scheduled to be virtual this year. It just wasn’t going to be …