Unshaken: Seeds of Hope Scattered Throughout Europe

United, a Band of Fifteen Pushes Forward in Italy

“I have a deep desire to call women to freedom, fullness, and fruitful- ness in Christ in this country,” says Dorcas Hortado. “I want to be a channel of His grace.” Born in Bolivia, Dorcas has lived in Italy for more than twelve years.

Though the virus devastated her country, Dorcas found comfort as God used His people. “In the beginning,” she says, “everything was completely devastated. There was mourning everywhere: pain, fear, anxiety, much regret.” Then she noticed something special in the children. “They began to spread a precious message, andra tutto bene (all will be fine). During this time, the Church kept praying and asking for mercy.”

Dorcas reports that the lockdown has blossomed into an im- portant and special time for the Donna Vera (True Woman) group in Italy: “We were constantly praying, organized in small prayer groups by WhatsApp, every morning from Monday to Saturday. It was and is a sweet time.”

Now, via WhatsApp, the women have two groups totaling about 100 people who are reading or listening to the translated version of Seeking Him while they work to build a similar following on Face- book. They hope to eventually record Revive Our Hearts podcasts in Italian. “Personally, God used these resources to revive my heart,” Dorcas says. “I found the living water, which quenched my thirst. I found His truth, and I have faith that God will also work to revive the hearts of Italian women.”

Planting Solid Truths in the Fallow Soils of France

“God put a burning passion in my heart for French-speaking women to be able to access [Revive Our Hearts] teachings in French,” reflects Mary Anne Piaget, a Canadian who’s been living in French- speaking Switzerland for more than forty years. “I am convinced that other women will also recognize the worth of these teachings once they are exposed to them.”

Little by little, that’s what is happening, even in the midst of the pandemic.

The French team’s first podcast series aired on April 13. They had no idea while in production that its theme would speak directly to the needs of that day: “How to Have a Quiet Heart—Psalm 131.”

Praying More, Reaching More, Says the German-Language Team

As a native Guatemalan living in Germany for twenty-three years, Yadira Erchila-Gorek had big dreams: “Being a witness of what the Holy Spirit is doing in Latin America where the ROH teachings are spreading like wildfire, I dared to ask the Lord to do the same in Europe. I asked Him for women who would be willing to serve Him by translating the resources into Ger- man. He has wonderfully responded,” Yadira says. “We currently have a team of thirty women supporting Belebe Unsere Herzen as well as several international groups praying for revival.”

Now, more than 800 women in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland are receiving Seeking Him in German. The team has also translated their first podcast series on "Psalm 46: A Mighty Fortress is Our God."

Has the pandemic halted progress? Not at all, according to Yadira. “In this difficult time, the Lord has moved us to pray more. We are sharing and spreading the teaching more than ever.”

Defined by Christ

Our sisters in Europe are working together, tirelessly persistent in their desire to cling to Christ while showing others that He is, indeed, a valued treasure, worthy to be desired. Says Yadira, “We are sowers of the seed, and we pray that it will fall on fertile ground and bear the fruit of eternal life.”

Spread This, Not That

Despite a worldwide pandemic, the global initiative of Revive Our Hearts marches on. Here are a few ways we’re sending our message around the world!

  • Our Abigail and Elizabeth Bible studies have been translated and released in Spanish as ebooks, each with videos produced by our Spanish-language ministry, Aviva Nuestros Corazones (ANC). One video already has 17,000 views!

  • Revive Our Hearts South Africa will record, produce, and edit Bible teaching podcast series in Afrikaans at Patmos Recording Studios in Pretoria.

  • Aviva Nossos Corações (ROH Portuguese) is working to establish an official presence in Brazil so they can receive ministry donations and engage in ministry operations.

  • Production is complete on the first forty ROH podcasts in Farsi. Sabrina Aslan is preparing to record sixty more!

  • Radio Shema has aired more than eighty-five ROH programs in Turkish.

  • A group of eight women from Belgium and the Netherlands met in January to make plans for translating ROH material into Dutch.

Did You Know?
Revive Our Hearts material will be available in at least ten lan- guages in 2020: Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish!