Daily Reflections

Write As You Read the Word

October 17, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures. —Psalm 16:11

Keep in mind that it is not enough that we should just read the Word. The object is that the words that are printed on the page would become indelibly written on our hearts. God never intended that we should merely get into His Word—His intent is that the Word should get into us.

Next to the Holy Spirit, the single greatest help in my personal devotional life has been to read the Scripture with paper and pen in hand, so I can record insights from the Word. As I write down what God is saying to my heart through His Word, the words become full of meaning and life to me.

This process doesn’t have to be difficult. Over the years I have challenged young people to read through the Bible and write down two sentences about every chapter: one sentence summarizing the chapter and the other sentence expressing how that chapter spoke to them personally. Even this simple approach can be enormously beneficial.

Make it Personal

As you read your Bible today, have a pen in hand and write down what God is saying to your heart.