Daily Reflections

What's Below the Surface

October 18, 2022 Mary Kassian

Blessing and cursing come out of the same mouth. —James 3:10

In James 3:9–10, James addresses an inconsistency he sees in the lives of his Christian friends. The way they talked to God was healthy and positive, but the way they talked to people was unhealthy and negative.

When your words are unkind, impatient, critical, sarcastic, deceitful, or rude, it’s an indication that something in your heart isn’t right—and that you have some growing up to do.

You may have devotions every morning, lead a Bible study, and go to church every week. But the way you speak to your family and to your coworkers, your neighbors, and your enemies . . . that’s where the rubber hits the road!

Your mouth is like a spiritual barometer. It reveals what’s really going on under the surface.

Do you have a problem with your mouth? Then most likely there’s also a problem in your heart. Ask God to give you what you need to control your tongue. As you rely on Him, He will change you from the inside out, transform your speech, and bring you more conversation peace.

Make it Personal

Ask God to examine your heart and reveal anything that isn’t pleasing to Him. Then ask Him to transform you from the inside out.