Daily Reflections

When He Comes

July 2, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him. —Revelation 1:7

Christ came the first time as an infant, small and weak. He will return as the everlasting King, great in strength and glory.

When He came the first time, His glory was concealed; when He comes back, His glory will shine brightly.

He came the first time as the Lamb of God; when He returns, it will be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. At His first coming He was condemned to die by sinful men; when He returns, it will be as the Judge, to execute justice and judgment on all who have refused to repent of their sins.

When He first came, only a few bowed; when He returns, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He came the first time to make peace between God and man; when He returns, it will be to make war on those who have rebelled against Him.

He came the first time as our suffering Savior; He will return as our sovereign, reigning Lord.

Hallelujah! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Make it Personal

What change of focus does the reality of Christ’s return bring to your current situation? How clearly does this glorious hope characterize your life?