Daily Reflections

Waving the White Flag

January 6, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Therefore, submit to God. —James 4:7

We all begin life as members of a rebellious race, fighting our own personal war against the sovereign King of the universe. For most, that resistance unfolds into a lifelong story that could be titled No Surrender.

Some express their resistance overtly, perhaps through a lifestyle of unbridled lust and perversion. Others are more subtle—they are upstanding citizens and community leaders; they may even be active in church work. But beneath the surface, every human being has an inborn determination to run his own life and an unwillingness to be mastered by Christ, the King of kings.

The decision to give up the fight is no small matter, especially after years of resistance. Surrender means nothing less than a radically altered lifestyle. Surrender to Christ as Savior and Lord is life changing. Whether we first wave the white flag at the age of eight or eighty-eight, that surrender involves a transfer of allegiance and a transformation of perspective that ought to affect every aspect of our lives.

Make it Personal

How are you surrendering to Christ today?