Daily Reflections

Trusting over the Long Haul

October 12, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” —Job 1:21

Job was a man who endured enormous suffering, losing his possessions, his family, and his health. When all those catastrophes hit Job’s life, his first response was to have a quiet and trusting heart.

Through all of his suffering, Scripture says Job did not sin (Job 1:22). He did not falsely accuse God. He said, “Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (2:10). In essence, he was saying that God is God. He can do what He wants.

That’s a quiet and trusting heart. However, the challenge is sometimes not in the first flush of suffering but in the long haul. How do you respond when the suffering doesn’t stop? When your mate doesn’t come back? When your prodigal child continues to sin? When you experience chronic pain, suffering, or problems?

Whether we suffer for a moment or for years, may we have quiet hearts and be able to say, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Make it Personal

Are you experiencing a long period of suffering? Ask God to quiet your heart and help you to trust Him in every moment.