Daily Reflections

Supernatural Aid

January 20, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. —Psalm 25:4

God has been gracious to make the Word come alive to me as I take time to pray each morning with my Bible open. As I pray His Word back to Him, I’m acknowledging that this is not an ordinary Book I am reading but a supernatural one, and, therefore, I need the assistance of its Author.

Jesus told His disciples He was going to send His Holy Spirit as a Helper to teach them and to guide them into all truth (John 14:26). First Corinthians 2:14 tells us the natural man cannot understand the things of God. Only the Spirit of God can open them up to us. James says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach” (1:5).

“Even the Bible,” Samuel Taylor Coleridge is attributed as saying, “without the Holy Spirit, is like a sundial by moonlight.” We need the Holy Spirit, who inspired this book, to give us wisdom and understanding, to be our teacher, and to shed divine light on the Word.

Make it Personal

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding as you read God’s Word.