Daily Reflections

Sing to Each Other

December 27, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart. —Ephesians 5:19

Through His Word, God does more than call us to simply endure disappointment. We’re to use our lives to give God glory and encourage one another.

Elizabeth’s story in Luke 1 is a reminder that we can face disappointment with grace because of the hope we have in Christ. Our stories can be a continuation of her song as we remind each other to look beyond our unmet desires and toward the One who will ultimately satisfy every longing.

Our circumstances at the moment will not last forever. There’s something greater. Elizabeth was able to face her disappointment because she knew a day is coming when everybody will bow before His majesty, and Jesus will reign forever and ever.

Sing in unison with others who have been redeemed. Don’t let the disappointments of this life be your anthem. Tell what He has done for your soul. Tell how He has rescued you, and let’s join together now and for all eternity in singing the song of the redeemed.

Make it Personal

Can you think of a time when listening to another believer sing or singing with other Christians in corporate worship strengthened you?