Daily Reflections

He Knows It All

December 26, 2020 Shannon Popkin

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. —Proverbs 3:5

Like most women, I have high hopes for my family, and I will do whatever it takes to safeguard their future well-being. But sometimes my goal to protect those I love becomes an obsession to control.

I often respond to misgivings as if it’s all up to me to make things turn out right. I pace and fret and obsess over the things I can’t control. God, seeing my agitation, probes my heart. He says, “May I ask why this concerns you so much?” With tenderness and compassion, He offers me comfort and assurance.

Rather than continuing in my troubled state, God invites me to trust in Him (Prov. 3:5). My understanding of how today’s details will shape tomorrow’s reality is warped, nearsighted, and self-focused. God’s understanding, though, reaches deeper and wider. He knows the whole story. He tells me that one day “there will be richly provided for [me] an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:11). Now that’s a bright future!

Make it Personal

What are you agitated or troubled about today? How can you coat your heart in the precious promises offered by God?