Daily Reflections

No Sin Too Great

July 28, 2022 Betsy Gómez

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. —Romans 8:1

I’ve been there—that feeling of darkness when you’ve failed God. You convince yourself your sin was too great, and you can’t continue.

So you spend your days running away in your soul while pretending in front of everyone else you’re fine. You’re sorry for your sin, but you don’t feel forgiven.

If you’re at that dead end, I want to introduce you to the way of escape. You will only find true freedom when you believe that Christ lived that perfect life you are trying to live. You no longer have to try to meet the standard because He did it for you. On the cross, He also received the punishment for all our wickedness from the past, present, and future.

Your heavenly Father has brought you near through His Son once and for all (Heb. 4:16). You are eternally forgiven and accepted in Christ. When you fail (because you will again), instead of running away from God, run toward Him. There is no sin so great that it surpasses the greatness of God’s forgiveness.

Make it Personal

If there’s sin in your life that feels too big for God to forgive, confess it before Him, and thank Him for His great grace.