Daily Reflections

In Full

January 6, 2024 Kelly Needham

The precepts of the LORD are right, making the heart glad; the command of the Lord is radiant, making the eyes light up. —Psalm 19:8

I recently asked a group of ladies from my church to print a list of the books of the Bible and rate each one 1–5. One, I’ve never read it, or if I have I can’t tell you anything about it. Five, I know most/all of the major characters and themes of the book, and I could give you a general outline/summary.

The point of the exercise was for us to discuss how well (or not well) we knew the Bible. Not to be discouraged but rather to accurately assess our current biblical literacy situation so we could move forward accordingly.

God did not give us His Word as something we can read from a la carte. He intends for us to know it in full.

We ought to be women who are continually growing in our knowledge of the Word of God, because it is through knowledge of the Word that we learn who our God is and how to interact with Him.


Women, Commit to Biblical Literacy” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Print out a list of the books of the Bible and evaluate your biblical literacy. How can you purpose to know God’s Word in full?