Daily Reflections

Gift List

September 17, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

[God] has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. —Ephesians 1:3

One of the occasions I make a big deal about is my “spiritual birthday”—May 14, 1963—the day I trusted Jesus to save me. Over the years, I’ve compiled a list of “spiritual birthday gifts”— gifts He’s given to all His children.

That list includes peace with God, being adopted into His family, being saved from His eternal wrath, and having a purpose for living. It catalogs how He has restored my soul, empowers me to serve Him, and keeps me from stumbling before the finish line.

I thank Him for His nearness through His Spirit within me, who equips and encourages me to stay faithful. I thank Him for His holiness, that even when I sin, He will always be holy and faithful. I thank Him for His mercy, His willingness to reach down and rescue me.

Whenever you ponder what you’re grateful for, be sure to consider His spiritual blessings. Only Christian gratitude, framed and contextualized within the matchless grace of God, can help you wrap your arms around so big a package.​------------------
​​​​The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture is taken from the ESV.

Make it Personal

What would you add to this list of spiritual blessings? What are some of His gifts you haven’t considered in a while?