Daily Reflections

Friends Bring Us to God

February 24, 2022 Kelly Needham

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. —Galatians 6:2

Walking with God in a sin-stained world with our sin-ridden flesh and a hell-bent enemy is too hard to do alone. Alone, we’re susceptible to believing the enemy’s lies. Alone, we buckle under the weight of sin. Alone, we become discouraged and weary. We need other believers to bring us to God when we’re weak.

Friends play an important role in our spiritual lives, as they can bring us closer to God. When we confess our sin and pray together (James 5:16), we’re reminded that we are forgiven through Jesus. When we bear one another’s burdens, we share the load, helping in practical ways and speaking truth to one another (Gal. 6:2). And when we pray for one another, we ask God to do greater things in our friends’ lives than they would have the boldness to pray for themselves (Eph. 6:18).

Like everything else, the purpose of our friendships should be about God. Let’s allow our friendships to serve Him and His kingdom. We cannot glorify God alone; we need each other!

Make it Personal

What are some ways that your friends have helped you to become closer to God?