Daily Reflections

The Ways He Serves

February 23, 2022 Betsy Gómez

Serve one another through love. —Galatians 5:13

One of the sinful tendencies of our hearts is the lack of gratitude. If we neglect to appreciate the evidence of grace around us (and it becomes a habit), we slowly start to take everything for granted.

One area where I need to be diligent in gratitude is in appreciating my husband’s service to our family. I can quickly get used to his involvement in housework or with our children and then lose the opportunity to express how much I value his servant’s heart.

If you’re married, don’t let ingratitude blind you to your husband’s acts of service. Be on the lookout today for the small ways he shows his love for your family and others. Then think of ways you could thank your husband for his servant’s heart. If you have children, involve them in this exercise and make gratitude a fami- ly core value. Write him a note or thank him in public, but most of all, ask the Lord to give you a grateful heart.

Make it Personal

How can you make it a habit to show gratitude for how others serve you each day?